tracker issue : CF-4206858

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Year Format Incorrect

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Status/Resolution/Reason: To Track//PRNeedInfo

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Brian B. / ()

Created: 01/23/2020

Components: Language, DateTime Functions

Versions: 2018

Failure Type: Incorrectly functioning

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: No /

Priority/Frequency: Normal / All users will encounter

Locale/System: English / Win 2016

Vote Count: 0

Problem Description:  Year format for any dates of 192x (or lower) are presented as 202x instead of 192x

Steps to Reproduce:

Actual Result: 2028-02-09 

Expected Result: 1928-02-09 

Any Workarounds:



This is happening when using the DateFormat function.
Comment by Brian B.
31976 | January 24, 2020 05:45:13 PM GMT
This is happening when using the DateFormat function.
Comment by Brian B.
31977 | January 24, 2020 05:45:25 PM GMT
This is happening when using the DateFormat function.
Comment by Brian B.
31978 | January 24, 2020 05:45:36 PM GMT
@Brian I tried this on CF13HF7 (2018.0.07.316715) {code:java} <cfscript> Date1 = "{ts '1928-11-15 12:13:50'}"; dateformat= DateFormat(Date1,"YYYY-mm-dd"); dateformat1= DateFormat(Date1,"yyyy-mm-dd"); writeOutput(dateformat); writeOutput(dateformat1); </cfscript> {code} Output: 1928-11-15 1928-11-15 Please let us know if you are trying anything different here. Also let us know the CF update level and the timezone in which you are trying this.
Comment by Dattanand M.
31979 | January 28, 2020 06:15:50 AM GMT