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Language Changes for 9.0.2 do not work
Hidden Gems in CF2018, Part 5 – Language Changes
Top 3 Key Factors When Choosing a Programming Language (Why CFML is Always the Best Option)
Comment on Top 3 Key Factors When Choosing a Programming Language (Why CFML is Always the Best Option) by Charlie Arehart
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Tracker Issue Video
5044517 CF-4203439 Language : Application Framework Video All
2609378 CF-3852070 External U. language and platforms dropdowns provide only english and japanease and are required fields. Either have all language posibilities or make it optiona. App Language= german OS language = german
2609555 CF-3832140 External U. To make the language on par with other modern languages out there
aliaspooryorik memoize functions in CFML Memoize functions in CFML The post memoize functions in CFML appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,ColdFusion,Language,2018,blog,language,modern cfml
aliaspooryorik A overview of arrays in CFML A overview of arrays in CFML The post A overview of arrays in CFML appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,Language,2018,blog,language
Portal Topic CFLOCATION issue
Karuna516 CFLOCATION issue giving "too many redirects" issue. The post CFLOCATION issue appeared first on ColdFusion. Discussion,Language,2018,discussion,language
adamwakal AWS Chime CF Tutorial Chime Example The post AWS Chime CF Tutorial appeared first on ColdFusion. Discussion,Language,ColdFusion,discussion,language
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
2609085 CF-3934762 External U. Language specification defines the programming language. CFML must have it.
2609221 CF-3909712 Dave M. Just awful language design. Are there any language architects on the ColdFusion team?
2608703 CF-4020372 External U. This would be a nice addition to the language.
2608750 CF-4010516 External U. Nulls should be inherent in the language - full support
2608755 CF-4010498 External U. +1 iterators are nice language feature
Comment on Reflect changes in the language after updates by extuser
CFML is better than other languages (7 detailed reasons)
the same Code!!!! Method: ---> #application[application.applicationname].getConfig('blog.title')# - [#application[application.applicationname].getConfig('')#] - Admin ---> #application[application.applicationname].getLanguage('')# #application
Internationalization (i18n) with PHP language files and cacheing
aliaspooryorik Intersection of arrays Intersection of arrays in CFML The post Intersection of arrays appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,CFML Tag/Function,Language Enhancements,2016,2018,blog,cfml tag/function,language enhancements
Portal Topic Do I need an API?
David Byers Do I need an API? APIs are very powerful, but do you need to build your application as an API? The post Do I need an API? appeared first on ColdFusion. ColdFusion,Discussion,Language,discussion,language,modern cfml
aliaspooryorik The replace function now accepts a callback The replace function accepts a callback The post The replace function now accepts a callback appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,Functions,Language,2018,blog,functions,language
Mark.rodriguez784 Creating second ColdFusion Instance Manually Manually Create Coldfusion instance The post Creating second ColdFusion Instance Manually appeared first on ColdFusion. Discussion,Language,Support,administrator,discussion,Extended Support,language,support
Bernhard Döbler Input validation to avoid XSS How to perform input validation to avoid XSS? The post Input validation to avoid XSS appeared first on ColdFusion. ColdFusion,Discussion,Language,discussion,language,modern cfml,security
aliaspooryorik Prevent concurrent logins using cflogin Prevent concurrent logins using cflogin The post Prevent concurrent logins using cflogin appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,ColdFusion,Language,2018,blog,language,modern cfml
aliaspooryorik Regular Expression Anchors with multiple lines Regular Expression Anchors with multiple lines The post Regular Expression Anchors with multiple lines appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,ColdFusion,Language,2018,blog,language,modern cfml
aliaspooryorik Alternatives to Query of Query CFML has had Query of Queries for years and it's been a useful tool but in modern CFML there is no need to use it at all. The post Alternatives to Query of Query appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,ColdFusion,Language,2018,blog,language,modern cfml
Grae Desmond CFCamp 2019 Speaker Twitter List Quick listing of CFCamp 2019 Twitter accounts for reference. The post CFCamp 2019 Speaker Twitter List appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,ColdFusion,Language,blog,language,training
Grae Desmond Thoughts on the ColdFusion Specialist Program Exam Observations on the exam for the ColdFusion Specialist program. The post Thoughts on the ColdFusion Specialist Program Exam appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,ColdFusion,Language,blog,cfsummit,language,training
manfrede66586020 ColdFusion 2016 and Google Drive Google SpreadSheet Sheets CFFILE Upload The post ColdFusion 2016 and Google Drive appeared first on ColdFusion. Discussion,Language,2016,discussion,language
Savaticus Pointless feature. The exceptions where you must use a semicolon actually serve to highlight weaknesses inherent in the language. `param name="num" default="3" max="100";` If CF where a true OO language these would just be properties.
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
2609085 CF-3934762 External U. A language isn't a language until you can say what it is. That takes a formal spec.
2609368 CF-3853251 External U. Makes the language much more familiar (and less verbose) by incorporating standard function syntax from other languages.
akretzer You realize Cold Fusion Now podcast is not about the programming language, eh?
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by Rupesh K.
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
2608750 CF-4010516 External U. This is the only language I've worked in where Null does not mean Null.
2608750 CF-4010516 External U. +1 Full NULL support and it would be great addition in language
2608750 CF-4010516 External U. Yep...every other modern language seems to have figured this out.
2608754 CF-4010501 External U. +1 This is one of those features that would actually add depth to this language.
2608757 CF-4010491 External U. This would be another great simplicity syntax enhancement for the language.
2609055 CF-3940802 External U. +1 I'm all for simplification of the language.
2609877 CF-3754490 External U. + 1 for these types of language enhancements!
2610304 CF-3712125 External U. +1 * 1000000!!!! Language enhancements... please!!! :-)
2610441 CF-3701698 Rupesh K. we cant make such fundamental change to the language as it would break all the applications.
2611068 CF-3646258 External U. This opens up options for working with the language via other means.
2611687 CF-3600686 Awdhesh K. This need risky change in language parser. Will take up later.
2612133 CF-3555025 External U. Iterators and generators are very useful in other languages (esp. generators).
2613080 CF-3346444 Rupesh K. As of now, there is no plan to add this in the language. we would consider this in future release.
2609026 CF-3944862 External U. This is very common thing and i think every language have this kind of validation but no language makes such mistakes while doing so. If one have to do server side validation manually on platform like CF, its not only annoying but shameful. Its not opensource
2609221 CF-3909712 External U. Not only does this drive CURRENT CF developers batty, this is why any one that doesn't already use CF already tries it and then throws their hands up in frustration at the total lack of consistency in the language (or with any other programming language). You cannot
2609859 CF-3756524 Rupesh K. The reason it has been implemented like this in the language is because the language today does not have the concept of method overloading. Changing it to enhancement and deferring it for the time being. It will be looked at when we revisit language and its complete OO
of the collection are defined as structures. Here's the code:County.cfc:component persistent="true" {property name="CountryId" fieldtype="id" generator="native" type="numeric";property name="CountryCode" length="2" notnull="true";property name="Languages" fieldtype="many-to-many" cfc="Language" type
ashudeeps55469743 Writing CFMs without Semicolons Semi-colons have been statement separators for most programming languages. Earlier when processing was slow and memory was expensive, language designers needed to split programs into multiple statements. A few languages required each statement to
Vijay Mohan Null support in ColdFusion 2018 Null is an important construct in modern programming languages, which improves language interoperability with other tech stack and programming languages. Before the 2018 release of ColdFusion, a database null or a null returned from an external service
Jim Priest I've been using ColdFusion since it came out and I'm pretty sure we've had this conversation in the past.  Maybe a few times. What would be interesting to figure out is why languages like Python (which have been around forever) are having a surge.   
2608665 CF-4028653 External U. +1 million. Fix this now while its not too late. Its things like this that destroy any credibility that cfml has as a language. If you dont understand how to implement a language feature, look at how other languages have implemented it. Dont just make stuff up
2608665 CF-4028653 Bradley W. In other languages where elvis is a shortened ternary, it can only be used to default values when those languages have a redefined sense of truthy and falsey values. Unless Adobe adopts what is suggested in this ticket:
Wheels is heavily inspired by Ruby on Rails, for example. Most of these frameworks offer fairly standard features, regardless of which language they are built with, but some languages are unusual enough that their web frameworks look very different. I work with Clojure a lot. […] The post The power of Cold
Comment on Slide and code from my session at ColdFusion Summit on language additions to ColdFusion 2018 by Suresh Jayaraman
Comment on Slide and code from my session at ColdFusion Summit on language additions to ColdFusion 2018 by Charlie Arehart
Grae Desmond Good idea for a post, like reading a movie poster with the review quotes on it. My .02 "My first exposure to ColdFusion was applying for a job, in the Allaire days, where it was the primary language they used.  I lied and said of course I know how to program in CFML.   I was a cocky
2876751 CF-4198356 Language : Functions Add callback to replacenocase function ReplaceNoCase does not take a callback function, we should add callback for replacenocase operation.
3553072 CF-4199852 Language : Java Integration Luis Majano Ability to extend implement native Java Classes We can implement interfaces via createDynamicProxy() (not very elegant), but we cannot extend native java classes. The majority of other JVM languages have supported this for many many years
4117976 CF-4201651 Language : Functions Justin Treher Regression on existing bug for queries This bug is back. Please fix.
4170611 CF-4201840 Language Introduce the lazy keyword for variables I would like to propose the ability to mark variables as **lazy** to delay their eager evaluation by the compiler. This can be a great asset for performance and optimizations as we avoid the applicative order of the language
2672534 CF-4190163 External U. This is a basic operation in other languages and also functions properly in a competing CF engine.
2672613 CF-4184601 External U. It does seem to beggar belief this is not already the syntax in the language.
1723018 CF-4163460 External U. Is this a common function on other languages such as Java?
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Comment on [ANeff] ER for: CF self-documentation as part of any possible language overhaul by External U.
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
2608737 CF-4013841 Vamseekrishna N. Operatore overloading is known to have its own issues because of which it is not supported in many languages.
2608750 CF-4010516 External U. everybody has their own way to do this which says it should be supported instead of everyone doing their own version of something that every modern language has
2608750 CF-4010516 External U. This really does need to be fixed. It's embarrassing for me to admit the language I use most does not support null.
2608751 CF-4010514 External U. i would love to see java easier to use in cf language, i am all for this
2608751 CF-4010514 External U. would help keep the language relevant if we could also use all the power of java
2608761 CF-4010487 External U. I'd be in favor of this just to help make the language more consistent.
2609035 CF-3943345 External U. Parameters need to be able to have substrings of other parameters! This is a very common practice across languages.
2609085 CF-3934762 External U. Every language should have and follow a spec
2609085 CF-3934762 External U. This is an excellent idea and this will take CFML in the right direction. Every language should have it.
2609085 CF-3934762 External U. Every language should have and follow a specification
2609085 CF-3934762 External U. I am agree with this, language must have some public specification and it should be maintain.
2609099 CF-3931678 Kailash B. This requires language changes, and so will be taken up as a part of next release of ColdFusion
2609221 CF-3909712 External U. We should always think about aesthetics of a language. This is ugly syntax.
2609529 CF-3836783 External U. This will happen on any Brazilian server thats setted up to run on native language.
2609610 CF-3822362 External U. Very much in favor of this. An update like this could revitalize the language while not sacrificing legacy work.
2609627 CF-3818770 External U. Should function in line with the languages that inspired this feature, namely Groovy.