Status/Resolution/Reason: To Fix//BugVerified
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Bryon N. / ()
Created: 08/03/2019
Components: Language, CFSCRIPT
Versions: 2018
Failure Type: Incorrect w/Workaround
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 2018.0.04.314546 /
Priority/Frequency: Normal / All users will encounter
Locale/System: English / Win 2016
Vote Count: 0
Problem Description:
In CFSCRIPT in a User Defined Function If the first argument contains "Default" then a run time error occurs.
This issue only exists on the first argument of each function. The second argument works fine with a default value.
Error returned:
"The DEFAULT argument passed to the init function is not of type [argument name]."
Steps to Reproduce:
1) Create a function in cfscript that contains a default value.
2) Call the function.
This always returns the error. It does not matter if it's in a CFC or CFM page. It occurs no matter the type defined.
function test(string myVariable default="" hint="This should define a default value for the argument"){ return this; }
<cfset test()>
<cfset test("a")>
Actual Result:
"The DEFAULT argument passed to the init function is not of type myVariable."
"The DEFAULT argument passed to the init function is not of type [argument name]."
ColdFusion is interpreting the argument and as type instead of the variable name.
The error only occurs on the first argument.
Expected Result:
The a default value should be created for the argument.
The error should NOT occur.
ColdFusion should not think the argument name is a type.
Any Workarounds:
Remove all default values and use param to define a default value.