tracker issue : CF-4204492

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CFC - problem with component inheritance using a mapping

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Withdrawn/CannotReproduce

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Grzegorz G. / ()

Created: 06/10/2019

Components: Language, CF Component

Versions: 2018

Failure Type: Non Functioning

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 2018.0.03.314033 /

Priority/Frequency: Normal / All users will encounter

Locale/System: English / Win 2016

Vote Count: 0

Problem Description:
ColdFusion can't find the component specified in "extends" attribute.

Steps to Reproduce:
Website - C:\inetpub\wwwroot\website\
Mobile website - C:\inetpub\wwwroot\website\mobile\ - another website in IIS pointing to that directory

Mapping added in CF Admin:
Logical name: app
Physical path: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\website\

Component 1 - C:\inetpub\wwwroot\website\cfc\comp.cfc
<cfcomponent name="comp">

Component 2 - C:\inetpub\wwwroot\website\mobile\cfc\comp.cfc
<cfcomponent name="comp" extends="app.cfc.comp">

CFM template - C:\inetbub\wwwroot\website\mobile\temp.cfm
<cfset comp = createObject('component', 'cfc.comp')>

Actual Result:
Error: ColdFusion could not find component or interface app.cfc.comp.

Expected Result:
ColdFusion just creates an object.

Any Workarounds:
Workaround #1:
1. Cleared component cache.
2. Modified and save CFC file.
3. The problem disappeared but went back after CF restart.

Workaround #2:
1. Disabled "Save class files" under "Cache" tab.
2. Cleared component and template cache.
3. The problem disappeared but went back after CF restart.

Workaround #3:
1. Disabled "Save class files", "Component cache", "Cache template in request" under "Cache" tab.
2. Cleared template and component cache.
3. The problem disappeared and didn't go back after a few CF restarts.



Hi Greg, I am trying to reproduce your issue  but unable to do so. Can you let us know what are settings have you enabled related to caching? Thanks, Suchika
Comment by Suchika S.
31028 | July 16, 2019 08:06:49 AM GMT
Hi Greg, We have not received any response and we believe that this issue was resolved at your end. Hence , we are closing this bug. If you are still facing this issue , please email me at Regards, Suchika
Comment by Suchika S.
33230 | March 03, 2020 08:12:01 AM GMT