Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Withdrawn/AsDesigned
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Dan S. / ()
Created: 03/26/2019
Versions: 2016,2018
Failure Type: Data Corruption
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: CF10 - 2018 / CF 2018 Final Build
Priority/Frequency: Normal / All users will encounter
Locale/System: ALL / CentOS 7.3
Vote Count: 6
Problem Description:
When a locally scoped variable is set to a null value, it's value may end up non-null if a similarly named variable exists in the variables scope (or if searchImplicitScopes is true, any scope).
This is critically broken in all versions of ColdFusion from 10 to 2018, but ColdFusion 2016 behaves differently than all other the other implementations.
In ColdFusion 2016, any attempt to check if a variable's value is null in your function will cause CF to return the value for any matching named var in the "variables" scope. For example:
// this variable should be in the "variables" scoped
x = "variable not scoped correctly!";
function getNull(){
function test(){
// since we're varscoping the variable, references to "x" in this function should reference local.x, not variables.x
var x = getNull();
if( isNull(x) ){
} else {
return x;
If you run this function CF2016 will return "variable not scoped correctly!" instead of returning a null value. In all other versions of CF, the results will be null.
If instead of using the value "x" in your local function, you use a unique value, the function will execute as expected.
However, if you attempt to reference the variable *before* checking if it's null, it will cause the variable to be reassigned. This is actually broken in CF10 - CF2018. For example:
// this variable should be in the "variables" scoped
x = "variable not scoped correctly!";
function getNull(){
function test(){
// since we're varscoping the variable, references to "x" in this function should reference local.x, not variables.x
var x = getNull();
// by simply referencing the "x" variable before we check for null, when "x" is null, it forces "x" to go up the scope chain
var xxx = x;
if( isNull(local.x) ){
} else {
return local.x;
The line "var xxx = x" causes the value of "x" to be reassigned to "variable not scoped correctly!", even though it should be null. This causes the test() function to return "variable not scoped correctly!" instead of null.
This becomes very problematic in components that have accessors, for example:
component output="false" accessors="true" persistent="false" {
property name="name" type="string" getter="true" setter="true";
function getNull(){
function test(){
var name = getNull(); // some method that might return null
if( isNull(name) ){
return name;
In this case, if the would call obj.setName("Hello World!"), then the test() method will return "Hello World!" instead of null. However if the result of getNull() is null, then test() should always return null.
In CF2016+, you can set the Application's searchImplicitScopes to "false" you can limit the affects of the bug to only variables within the "variables" scope, but if you have not explicitly set searchImplicitScopes to "false", then anyone passing in a URL/FORM variable can trigger bugs in your code.
For example, any function that contains a variable that *could* be null all you need to do is pass in a URL/FORM parameter with the same name as the function's variable and the value would become that you passed in and not the expected null.
The problem is this can cause very subtle bugs in your code, that are not easily traceable. I suspect many people have been affected by this bug.
You can run the examples below to see the bug in action.
Steps to Reproduce:
// this variable should be in the "variables" scoped
x = "variable not scoped correctly!";
function getNull(){
function testNullWithLocallyScopedVariableMatchesGlobalVariableName(){
// since we're varscoping the variable, references to "x" in this function should reference local.x, not variables.x
var x = getNull();
if( isNull(x) ){
} else {
return x;
function testNullWithUniquelyNamedLocallyScopedVariable(){
// since there is no variable called "x1" in our variables scope, this works correctly
var x1 = getNull();
if( isNull(x1) ){
} else {
return x1;
function testNullWithLocallyScopedVariableBrokenInAllVersionOfColdFusion(){
// since we're varscoping the variable, references to "x" in this function should reference local.x, not variables.x
var x = getNull();
// by simply referencing the "x" variable before we check for null, when "x" is null, it forces "x" to go up the scope chain
var xxx = x;
if( isNull(x) ){
} else {
return x;
function testNullEvenUsingLocalScopeDoesNotWork(){
// since we're varscoping the variable, references to "x" in this function should reference local.x, not variables.x
var x = getNull();
// by simply referencing the "x" variable before we check for null, when "x" is null, it forces "x" to go up the scope chain
var xxx = x;
if( isNull(local.x) ){
} else {
return local.x;
brokenOnlyInCF2016 = testNullWithLocallyScopedVariableMatchesGlobalVariableName();
worksAsExpected = testNullWithUniquelyNamedLocallyScopedVariable();
brokenInAllVersionsOfColdFusion = testNullWithLocallyScopedVariableBrokenInAllVersionOfColdFusion();
evenUsingScopeDoesNotWork = testNullEvenUsingLocalScopeDoesNotWork();
brokenOnlyInCF2016 = <cfif isNull(brokenOnlyInCF2016)>null<cfelse>#encodeForHtml(brokenOnlyInCF2016)#</cfif> (Should be null)
worksAsExpected = <cfif isNull(worksAsExpected)>null<cfelse>#encodeForHtml(worksAsExpected)#</cfif> (works correctly)
brokenInAllVersionsOfColdFusion = <cfif isNull(brokenInAllVersionsOfColdFusion)>null<cfelse>#encodeForHtml(brokenInAllVersionsOfColdFusion)#</cfif> (Should be null)
evenUsingScopeDoesNotWork = <cfif isNull(evenUsingScopeDoesNotWork)>null<cfelse>#encodeForHtml(evenUsingScopeDoesNotWork)#</cfif> (Should be null)
Actual Result:
brokenOnlyInCF2016 = variable not scoped correctly! (Should be null)
worksAsExpected = null (works correctly)
brokenInAllVersionsOfColdFusion = variable not scoped correctly! (Should be null)
evenUsingScopeDoesNotWork = variable not scoped correctly! (Should be null)
Expected Result:
brokenOnlyInCF2016 = null (Should be null)
worksAsExpected = null (works correctly)
brokenInAllVersionsOfColdFusion = null (Should be null)
evenUsingScopeDoesNotWork = null (Should be null)
Any Workarounds:
The only thing that appears to avoid the issue is to always scope every single instance of a variable.