[ANeff] ER for: CF self-documentation as part of any possible language overhaul
| View in TrackerStatus/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Deferred/
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Aaron Neff / Aaron Neff (Aaron Neff)
Created: 01/06/2016
Components: Language
Versions: 11.0
Failure Type: Enhancement Request
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: CF11_Final /
Priority/Frequency: Trivial / Unknown
Locale/System: English / Win All
Vote Count: 0
The docs are often not sync'd with what CF actually supports. It is useful when CF is self-documenting. Example:
1) Currently, getFunctionList() returns the built-in functions
2) Currently, SERVER.coldfusion.serviceTagAttributes returns the service tag attributes
3) Currently, when an invalid tag attribute combination is specified, then CF's exception message lists the valid combinations
If there will ever be a language overhaul (ex: a CFML 2.0), I would like self-documentation to be considered. I would like to propose a single function or variable that documents what the installed CF version supports.
Possible suggestions: SERVER.cfml or getCFInfo() or getCFMLInfo()
Result would be a struct. Example:
functions = "abs,cos,.."
memberfunctions = {array="append,avg,..", date="add,convert,.."},
tags = "cfabort,cfajaximport,..",
keywords = "continue,default,error,file,for,form,hash,is,ne,now,session,..";
attributecombinations = {
cfpdf = [
parametercombinations = {
arrayappend = [
This info would be useful for:
- Adobe, to power aspects of their documentation to ensure it is sync'd with what CF currently supports.
- Adobe, to power aspects of ColdFusion Builder to ensure it is sync'd with what CF currently supports.
- Any alpha/beta tester that wants to know what was introduced/changed in a new version.
- Any developer writing tooling that needs to know what a version supports.
I'm not requesting this for Raijin. I am requesting this as part of any possible future language overhaul (ex: a CFML 2.0). Please defer until then. I am just creating this ticket for public discussion.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 4104564
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External Customer Name: Aaron Neff
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