tracker issue : CF-3620866

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cfspreadsheet update action works slow for formatted excel cells

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): / Katsuhito Oinuma (Md. Kaif Akbar Quraishi)

Created: 08/28/2013

Components: Charting/Graphing, Client

Versions: 10.0

Failure Type:

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 10,285437 / 286006

Priority/Frequency: Trivial / Unknown

Locale/System: English / Win8 Server 64-bit

Vote Count: 0

<cfspreadsheet action="update"> get processed very slowly when there is format style in the cell. It is particularly observed when Text Format is applied to the cell(s) where texts should be inserted.

Sample files which reproduce the problem: 

 Sample files which do not reproduce the problem: 

Below are code for nonworking.cfm
   qRead_hoge = queryNew("id,fname,lname,dept,email");

   addRow(qRead_hoge, 'simeon','bateman','IT','');

   function addRow( qry, fname, lname, dept, email){
<cfquery dbtype="query" name="qRead_hoge">
   FROM rs
   ORDER BY dept

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=Shift_JIS">
	<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache">
	<TITLE>test sample</TITLE>
	<p><h3>Excel test(problem)<br>
	test1: action=write<br>
	test2: action=update  (problem.xlsx is default format style)
	<cfif qRead_hoge.RECORDCOUNT neq 0>
		<cfoutput>SpreadsheetRead test1 Start?#Now()#</cfoutput><br>
		<cfset THESHEET = SpreadsheetRead("#expandPath('.')#/problem.xlsx","Sheet1")>
		<cfoutput>SpreadsheetRead test1 End?#Now()#</cfoutput><br>
		<!--- exel output --->
		<cfoutput>SpreadsheetAddRows test1 Start?#Now()#</cfoutput><br>
		<cfset SpreadsheetAddRows(THESHEET, qRead_hoge, 6,2,false)>
		<cfoutput>SpreadsheetAddRows test1 End?#Now()#</cfoutput><br>
		<cfoutput>SpreadsheetFormatCellRange test1 Start?#Now()#</cfoutput><br>
		<cfset FORMAT_M3 = structnew()>
		<cfset FORMAT_M3.TOPBORDER    = "thin">
		<cfset FORMAT_M3.BOTTOMBORDER = "thin">
		<cfset FORMAT_M3.RIGHTBORDER  = "thin">
		<cfset FORMAT_M3.LEFTBORDER   = "thin">
		<cfset SpreadsheetFormatCellRange(THESHEET,FORMAT_M3,6,2,6+qRead_hoge.RECORDCOUNT,13)>
		<cfoutput>SpreadsheetFormatCellRange test1 End?#Now()#</cfoutput><br>
		<cfoutput>cfspreadsheet action=write test Start?#Now()#</cfoutput><br>
		<cfspreadsheet action="write" filename="#expandPath('.')#/result.xlsx" name="THESHEET" overwrite=true>
		<cfoutput>cfspreadsheet action=write test End?#Now()#</cfoutput><br>
		<cfoutput>SpreadsheetRead test2 Start?#Now()#</cfoutput><br>
		<cfset THESHEET = SpreadsheetRead("#expandPath('.')#/problem.xlsx","Sheet1")>
		<cfoutput>SpreadsheetRead test2 End?#Now()#</cfoutput><br>
		<cfoutput>SpreadsheetAddRows test2 Start?#Now()#</cfoutput><br>
		<cfset SpreadsheetAddRows(THESHEET, qRead_hoge, 6,2,false)>
		<cfoutput>SpreadsheetAddRows test2 End?#Now()#</cfoutput><br>

		<cfoutput>SpreadsheetFormatCellRange test2 Start?#Now()#</cfoutput><br>
		<cfset SpreadsheetFormatCellRange(THESHEET,FORMAT_M3,6,2,6+qRead_hoge.RECORDCOUNT,13)>
		<cfoutput>SpreadsheetFormatCellRange test2 End?#Now()#</cfoutput><br>
		<cfoutput>cfspreadsheet action=update test Start?#Now()#</cfoutput><br>
		<cfspreadsheet action="update" filename="#expandPath('.')#/result.xlsx" name="THESHEET" sheetname="Sheet3">
		<cfoutput>cfspreadsheet action=update test End?#Now()#</cfoutput><br>

It works slow and takes more than twice time the time taken for un-formatted cells, sometimes takes even more.

It should take time as mostly same time as taken for un-formatted cells

Need to be identified

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3620866

External Customer Info:
External Company: samuraiz corporation
External Customer Name: Katsuhito Oinuma
External Customer Email:



fix verified with CF10 u12 (build 286387) on Win 7 x64. update action now takes 2-3 times as compared to 20-30 times before.
Comment by Piyush K.
14619 | October 29, 2013 06:43:16 AM GMT