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Client Variable purge time errors without warning
Bug 78666:Summary: Client var settings not correctly archived or deployed
Comment on Client Variable purge time errors without warning by External U.
Comment on Client Variable purge time errors without warning by Nimit S.
Comment on Client Variable purge time errors without warning by External U.
Comment on Unable to initialise Security service, Client Storage service, and WatchService service by Manas M.
Comment on Client Variable purge time errors without warning by Nimit S.
Comment on Client Variable purge time errors without warning by Nimit S.
Comment on Client Variable purge time errors without warning by Nimit S.
Comment on Bug 78666:Summary: Client var settings not correctly archived or deployed by External U.
Bug 87081:Change the Client Variable Storage default to Cookie or None
Comment on Client Variable purge time errors without warning by External U.
Unable to initialise Security service, Client Storage service, and WatchService service
Comment on Client Variable purge time errors without warning by Nimit S.
Comment on Client Variable purge time errors without warning by Uday O.
Comment on Unable to initialise Security service, Client Storage service, and WatchService service by ANDREW L.
Comment on Unable to initialise Security service, Client Storage service, and WatchService service by ANDREW L.
Comment on Bug 87129:-(Watson Migration Closure)The default setting for Global Client Variable Updates is "on," meaning that on every request, CF updates the client variable storage area with updated 'lastvisit' and 'hitcount' values by External U.
Bug 87129:-(Watson Migration Closure)The default setting for Global Client Variable Updates is "on," meaning that on every request, CF updates the client variable storage area with updated 'lastvisit' and 'hitcount' values
6575025 CF-4206329 Language : CF Component After installing Update 13, component initialization fails with the message clientID is undefined in ARGUMENTS. The error is happening on this line: return entityLoadByPK ("Client", {clientID = arguments.clientID}); Which is strange because in order
2596923 CF-3369472 External U. I host 2 different clients that both use for email relay. When I logged in to review activity I found that emails from client 1 were being sent through client 2's account. I double checked my code, and then contacted sendgrid who verified that client 1
Comment on CFUPDATE support for fetchClientInfo attribute by Rupesh K.
Comment on Using clientInfo attribute with cfquery does not pass this metadata to MS SQL server by Nimit S.
.Configure cluster with apache. 5.Client1 subscribes to channel stocks 6.Client2 subscribes to channel stocks 7.Client1 publishes a message to channel stocks. Result: Client1 Recieves back the published message Client2 who is also subscribed to stocks does not get the message published by Client1 Expected:Client
2596805 CF-3705406 External U. This grid is used to edit my clients, clients accounts and is key for the use of his business. I believe it is because of the Java security update.
2596957 CF-3312296 External U. My clients rely heavily on emails from their application for notifications when system critical process occur. Email failures cost my clients time and money. Please help with this problem.
2613628 CF-3198421 External U. Me and my clients uses Turkish os (Client and server). We are used other Turkish applications. if change locale settings other applications get error messages. And can't run both applications.
2614152 CF-3129769 External U. This is an important feature used in my development to be able to test code against multiple versions of CF; and to be able to support multiple clients / client projects using different versions of CF.
nc777 Thank you, Charlie and Bernhard. After the upgrade (from R1 to R2 on Oracle) on my dev server I had the server admin installed 12.2.0 client and my CF data source worked. I did see there is a "ojdbc8.jar" file in the new client directory (\client_1\jdbc\lib\). The old client directory
2596808 CF-3694322 External U. This does cause issues at time with client side code.
Comment on CFUPDATE support for fetchClientInfo attribute by External U.
Comment on Loads of SQL errors in ClientScopeCleanUpThread with MySQL by Bradley W.
Comment on CFLDAP with CFSSL_CLIENT_AUTH fails before handshake by Curt C.
CFCOOKIE setting empty string with double quotes on the client side
CFMAIL Failes to Show Body of email message in iPad, iPhone email clients
Bug 87127:-(Watson Migration Closure)Client Variables continually prepare and unprepare statements when using SQL Server
:25:11.052 [main] INFO - Deploying Publisher and Admin Portal ... 03:25:11.052 [main] INFO - Starting Log service 03:25:11.095 [main] INFO - Starting Metrics service Exception in thread "main" com.adobe.amp.spi.ServiceException: Not able to connect to ElasticSearch server. at com.adobe.amp.metrics.elastic.MetricServiceImpl.startClient
CFUPDATE support for fetchClientInfo attribute
2918733 CF-4198396 Adam C. Client Communication 101, Ashudeep: When the status of a ticket changes, always (*always*) add a comment explaining the change: what was done, why, what the client can expect next. This applies to you, and also applies to everyone else who touches issues in the bug
click support for client-side charts
2608482 CF-4080440 External U. two of my clients are considering switching to lucee if this does not get implemented.
2608498 CF-4076193 Adam C. Adobe can you please pay attention to your clients asking you questions?
2608648 CF-4034663 Dattanand M. This is a known issue with client side rendering of charts. We will be documenting this.
2608703 CF-4020372 Adam C. Adobe, hello? What does it actually take to get you to engage with your clients?
2608735 CF-4014234 Christopher T. This is now a critical client issue as they upgraded their security. Fix needed for CF11.
2608845 CF-3978803 External U. Duplicate of which bug? that would be helpful so we can track and inform our client.
2608884 CF-3971083 External U. Needs to be fixed, this would seriously impact our enterprise client.
2609003 CF-3949146 External U. Hi, where can I submit? We cannot post this code publicly due to client constraints.
Comment on An empty CFHTTP useragent attribute forces use of "Apache-HttpClient/4.3.5 (java 1.5)" by Akhila K.
2609125 CF-3926238 Wil G. I've run into this with a client. With the latest patches installed
2609199 CF-3912622 External U. +1 needs fixing. Jobs need to be done thoroughly and completely, otherwise it leads to FUD for your clients.
2609244 CF-3865064 External U. Needs fixing on the CF end, not on the client code end.
2609521 CF-3837347 External U. We are hitting this with a major client. It's time to fix such a simple bug!
2609850 CF-3758070 Jacob J. Included the relevant content in CGI environment client variables.
2610071 CF-3733001 External U. Adobe, can you pls communicate with your clients like professionals, here?
2610279 CF-3713323 External U. I'd be keen if you could have the courtesy to respond to one of your clients, Rupesh.
2610294 CF-3712823 External U. Yeah, but JSON's used for a lot more than client-side interchange these days.
2611731 CF-3598342 External U. +1 Still have clients and employers in 2015 using Win2K3 & CF8/9.
Comment on ORA-00439: feature not enabled: RETURNING clause from this client type by Nimit S.
2596957 CF-3312296 External U. Randomly undelivered emails causes hours of troubleshooting and no clear answer for us to provide to our clients.
2596957 CF-3312296 External U. It is crucial to us and our client that our email is reliable. At minimum there should be an error alerting us that it has failed.
Comment on CFUPDATE support for fetchClientInfo attribute by Frank J.
Comment on CFUPDATE support for fetchClientInfo attribute by Frank J.
2597035 CF-3179303 External U. Gaurav - Yes the "Maintain connections across client requests" box is checked. Will post the other values of the Advanced settings tomorrow.
2613928 CF-3144804 External U. +1, linking points to URLs is one of the 1st things I'd want to do w/ these client-side charts.
2614153 CF-3129766 Akhila K. With the fix, I could make a successful http request using client certificate.
Comment on Bug 87128:-(Watson Migration Closure)The default client variable storage mechanism on a windows server is the windows registry by External U.
Comment on Bug 87127:-(Watson Migration Closure)Client Variables continually prepare and unprepare statements when using SQL Server by External U.
2682676 CFB-3766954 External U. The code is for a client. I'll email you directly.
Comment on URL not working on client-side CFCHART by Shigeyoshi M.
6259329 CF-4205250 Charlie A. I just had yet another client report the problem.
2608623 CF-4046444 Installation/Config : Connector Quinnster Connection reset by peer: socket write error in Connector logs Related Bugs: CF-3835411 - Similar to We are still experiencing a disfunctional ClientAbortException: bug with Tomcat 12.40 when trying to download
Tyler Clendenin For anyone looking for other tools for REST development, the Chrome extension client-rest-api-t/aejoelaoggembcahagimdiliamlcdmfm" rel="nofollow">Restlet Client works quite well.  However I have not used their service nor
3122939 CF-4198749 Language : Application Framework : ApplicationCFC Peter Freitag Add onAfterRequestEnd to Application.cfc It would be useful to do some processing onAfterRequestEnd, that is after the response has been sent to the client. This would allow you to perform things like logging
WebSocket messages sent to client are cut off at semicolons
Comment on Using clientInfo attribute with cfquery does not pass this metadata to MS SQL server by External U.
2609149 CF-3920947 External U. After a long search I found this bug from Apache's http client: Is there any possibility of updating to http client 4.x in ColdFusion?
2609149 CF-3920947 Akhila K. Please provide us the code snippet to repro the case, both for ColdFusion(client) part and WCF part. Also let us know the update number on which ColdFusion 10 is running. We have upgraded http client library, so is this issue occurring with ColdFusion + latest update
), because of client write error (attempt=1) [Sat Nov 22 10:17:30.054 2014] [12496:3772] [info] HttpExtensionProc::jk_isapi_plugin.c (2603): service() failed because client aborted connection [Sat Nov 22 10:17:38.176 2014] [12496:8860] [error] isapi_write_client::jk_isapi_plugin.c (1400): WriteClient failed
2609687 CF-3804384 External U. Since the whole point of CFCLIENT is supposed to be "CFML on the client", having a CFML function behave so differently between server side and client side is ... I'm trying to find a polite way to say this ... lame, stupid, half-assed. Sorry, but this is a completely
2611731 CF-3598342 Rupesh K. This support is not there in the HttpClient library. There is an enhancement logged for this which has been fixed for version 4.3.2 which is yet to be released. This will get fixed with the next release of HttpClient
2611731 CF-3598342 External U. Who's it going to be more work for, Rupesh? You to fix it once, or all your clients to separately work around it because you can't be arsed? And you're overlooking or conveniently ignoring your clients have already *paid* for CF 10 to work to spec. Your attitude is
2596933 CF-3350039 External U. Same issue. Clearing the browser cache fixes the problem, however asking clients to clear their cache is not an appropriate solution. Is there any way of adding a cache buster to cfajax.js and the likes? I added some cache-control http headers in IIS
.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLConnectionSocketFactory.connectSocket( org.apache.http.impl.conn.HttpClientConnectionOperator.connect( org.apache.http.impl.conn.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager.connect( org.apache.http.impl.execchain.MainClientExec.establishRoute(MainClient
Bug 73932:(Watson Migration Closure)Please enable some way for end users to be able to know what client storage mechanism they're using org.apache.http.entity.ByteArrayEntity.writeTo( org.apache.http.impl.DefaultBHttpClientConnection.sendRequestEntity(DefaultBHttpClient