tracker issue : CF-3353358

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cfajaxproxy generates incorrect javascript when machine restarted

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Withdrawn/CannotReproduce

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): / ext-user (Erica Norton)

Created: 10/25/2012

Components: AJAX, Plumbing

Versions: 10.0

Failure Type:

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: Final /

Priority/Frequency: Trivial / Unknown

Locale/System: English / Mac 10 All,Win XP All

Vote Count: 0

Server Details  
Server Product  ColdFusion  
Version  ColdFusion 10,282462  
Edition  Enterprise    
Operating System  Windows Server 2008 R2    
OS Version  6.1    
Adobe Driver Version  4.1 (Build 0001)    

When Windows Server is restarted, the CF services automatically start.  The cfajaxproxy tag generates incorrect javascript

1. cfm page with:
<cfajaxproxy cfc="#cfcRootLocation#.WatsonUtils" jsclassname="WatsonUtils">

2. restart windows machine

3. open cfm page

generated javascript:
<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */
 var _cf_cfcs/WatsonUtils=ColdFusion.AjaxProxy.init('/RTCM/cfcs/WatsonUtils.cfc','WatsonUtils');
 _cf_cfcs/WatsonUtils.prototype.validateNewBugID=function(bugID,watsonEnv) { return ColdFusion.AjaxProxy.invoke(this, "validateNewBugID","45B2BD82", {bugID:bugID,watsonEnv:watsonEnv});};
/* ]]> */</script>

So, subsequently, trying to access the jsclass WatsonUtils results in a javascript error since it is not defined.

generated javascript:
<script type="text/javascript">/* <![CDATA[ */
	var _cf_WatsonUtils=ColdFusion.AjaxProxy.init('/RTCM/cfcs/WatsonUtils.cfc','WatsonUtils');
	_cf_WatsonUtils.prototype.validateNewBugID=function(bugID,watsonEnv) { return ColdFusion.AjaxProxy.invoke(this, "validateNewBugID","6BA9B89E", {bugID:bugID,watsonEnv:watsonEnv});};
/* ]]> */</script>

Notice the difference in the name of the var declared.  

manually restart the CF services

Note: I have not been able to completely narrow down the cause of this.  But these steps seem to cause it to happen more frequently than not, but not always. (Maybe 9 times out of 10?)  Also, there may be other times when this happens without a restart.  But, the only thing that fixes it is restarting the services.  If there's any other workaround (like a setting, or code change), that would be very helpful until it is fixed!!

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3353358

Deployment Phase:	Release Candidate

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name:  
External Customer Email:



Cannot reproduce this in latest build .Are you still facing the issue?
Comment by Suchika S.
17359 | December 20, 2013 01:31:46 AM GMT
We have not heard anything back on this issue. Hence, closing this bug. If you are still facing this issue please let us know so that we can re-open this bug.
Comment by Nimit S.
17360 | December 03, 2014 10:10:05 AM GMT