displaying top 100 results
Tracker Issue s
4140999 CF-4201755 AJAX : Plumbing s Problem Description:
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
Expected Result:
Any Workarounds:
Tracker Comment Comment on keyExists member function not available on all struct objects by External U.
2608886 CF-3971067 External U. Thanks for explaining that Adam. I'm not that familiar with the underlying Java plumbing, so I appreciate the insights.
Tracker Comment Comment on [elvis] [peter]: elvis operator returns second operand in some cases even if the first operand is not null by Samuel K.
2608961 CF-3952818 Samuel K. It is unacceptable that this is marked 'Fixed' when the actual status (found only by plumbing through the tracker) is 'Fixed in ACF2016, won't fix in ACF11.'
Tracker Comment Comment on [elvis] [peter]: elvis operator returns second operand in some cases even if the first operand is not null by External U.
2608961 CF-3952818 External U. So according to a post on the Adobe forums related to this bug (https://forums.adobe.com/message/8557086#8557086), Adobe will not be back-porting the fix from ColdFusion 2016 to ColdFusion 11 (where the bug originated). It seems there is too much internal plumbing
Tracker Issue SerializeJSON() does not work on closures
2611746 CF-3596883 AJAX : Plumbing Luis Majano SerializeJSON() does not work on closures Problem Description:
Try to serializeJSON on a closure and it spins forever with endless loops.
Steps to Reproduce:
var f = function(){
return "hello";
writeDump( serializeJSON( f ) );
Actual Result
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: serializeJSON(query) honor column type
2613237 CF-3337487 AJAX : Plumbing Aaron Neff [ANeff] ER for: serializeJSON(query) honor column type This ER is for serializeJSON() to honor query's column type
writeOutput(serializeJSON(queryNew("lastName", "varchar", [["No"]])));
Actual Result: {"COLUMNS
Tracker Issue SerializeJSON: The string values "No" and "Yes" has been converted to "true" and "false"
2609688 CF-3803565 AJAX : Plumbing Alexander Haß SerializeJSON: The string values "No" and "Yes" has been converted to "true" and "false" Duplicate ID: CF-3337394
Problem: SerializeJSON, The string values "No" and "Yes" has been converted to "true" and "false"
Method: Run the enclosed Json
Tracker Issue JSON data and ISO country codes NO
2610544 CF-3697516 AJAX : Plumbing JeanMarc Callebaut JSON data and ISO country codes NO Duplicate ID: CF-3337394
Problem Description:
Issue was already raised in Bug #3337394
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
Expected Result:
Any Workarounds:
Tracker Issue serializeJson() escaped fwd slashes
2610648 CF-3689049 AJAX : Plumbing Adam Cameron serializeJson() escaped fwd slashes See https://groups.google.com/d/msg/railo/4EiksqmZgas/67SK5grA-rUJ & https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RAILO-2807
This applies to CF as well. Repo:
st = {"link" = "/example/example1"};
json1 = serialize
2611751 CF-3596207 AJAX : Plumbing Hadyn Cotton SerializeJSON() - Numeric String With Trailing Period Returns Invalid JSON Problem Description:
When the following is passed through SerializeJSON() the result is not valid JSON. The numeric string ending with a period should be returned as a string
Tracker Issue SerializeJSON returns wrong date for UTC date
2613612 CF-3200965 AJAX : Plumbing Amit Yathirajadasan SerializeJSON returns wrong date for UTC date Problem Description: If you convert a Now() to UTC and then send it through SerializeJSON, it returns the local datetime and not the UTC datetime.
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result: The above
Tracker Issue Bug 87249:-(Watson Migration Closure)+1 phone number format cannot be serialized into JSON and back successfully
2597148 CF-3085326 AJAX : Plumbing Henry Ho Bug 87249:-(Watson Migration Closure)+1 phone number format cannot be serialized into JSON and back successfully Problem:
+1 phone number format cannot be serialized into JSON and back successfully.
workaround: prepend with a space, and remove the space
Tracker Issue Bug 83622:In 9
2598056 CF-3041792 AJAX : Plumbing Patrick Liess Bug 83622:In 9 Duplicate ID: CF-3041793
In 9.0.1 some SerializeJSON bugs (the int to float bugs) have been fixed. But now the serializing a query is completly broken. All Integer fields become Strings.
Do a cfquery with SELECT ID
Tracker Issue Bug 82355:<cfset bla = 'test 123'><cfset temp = SerializeJSON(bla)><cfdump var="#temp#">Results are different in CF8 and CF9
2598654 CF-3041088 AJAX : Plumbing jos van de laar Bug 82355:Results are different in CF8 and CF9 Problem:
Results are different in CF8 and CF9.
Results are different in CF8 and CF9.
In CF8, the SerializeJSON function returns a value beginning with //In CF9, this no longer
2599324 CF-3040329 AJAX : Plumbing Peter Freitag Bug 80423:(Watson Migration Closure)SerializeJSON function should have an argument to toggle the securejson prefix in cases where it is not needed Problem:
SerializeJSON function should have an argument to toggle the securejson prefix in cases where
Tracker Issue Bug 78002:Using the ColdFusion
2600516 CF-3038943 AJAX : Plumbing Sam Farmer Bug 78002:Using the ColdFusion Problem:
Using the ColdFusion.Map.addMarker freezes both Firefox and Safari on a Mac. Screenshot attached to the forums.
var markerObj={
address: 'Providence, RI'
function addmarker(){
Tracker Issue Bug 74841:(Watson Migration Closure)Stack overflow error when using SerializeJSON() on a cfc with circular references
2602130 CF-3037196 AJAX : Plumbing Devin Holloway Bug 74841:(Watson Migration Closure)Stack overflow error when using SerializeJSON() on a cfc with circular references Problem:
Stack overflow error when using SerializeJSON() on a cfc with circular references.
Create two cfc
3059556 CF-4198589 AJAX : Plumbing Method invocation through ajaxproxy fails even if the required arguments are passed . Problem: Method invocation through ajaxproxy fails even if the required arguments are
passed .
Method: copy and paste the below code in a cfm file
2610633 CF-3689989 AJAX : Plumbing Pat Moody serializeJson not cleaning most of the first 31 characters in the ASCII table. Problem Description: Invalid JSON data is being created from data extacted from MSSQL tables. chr(1) to chr(7) + chr(11) + chr(14) to chr(31) - Possibly others??
Tracker Issue serializeJSON with +0.0 returns invalid JSON
2611187 CF-3632972 AJAX : Plumbing Matt Busche serializeJSON with +0.0 returns invalid JSON Problem Description: serializing a struct with a value of +0.0 result in invalid JSON
Steps to Reproduce:
stPolicy = { "prem": "+0.0" };
serializedData = serializeJSON(stPolicy);
Tracker Issue serializeJSON() is converting ints to floats
2611489 CF-3617509 AJAX : Plumbing John Pansewicz serializeJSON() is converting ints to floats Problem Description:
serializeJSON() is converting ints to floats when the number is calculated using the functions: val(), int() or ceiling(). I always assumed val() returned an int, but int
2596847 CF-3565260 AJAX : Plumbing Ben Nadel DeserializeJSON() messes up ArrayContains() With Database Ints Problem Description:
If I am using deserializeJSON(), I cannot find a database INT (via query-loop) using arrayContains() or arrayFind(). If I remove the deserializeJson() step, it works
Tracker Issue SerializeJson improper conversion of dates.
2612097 CF-3558382 AJAX : Plumbing Donald Langhorne SerializeJson improper conversion of dates. Problem Description:
SerializeJson() function apparently converts date strings into a specific format. I am finding that this behavior is not consistent, some things get converted, others do not.
2612661 CF-3476661 AJAX : Plumbing Adam Tuttle deserializeJson does not properly handle high-ascii characters Problem Description:
If a JSON string includes non-standard ASCII characters, such as ñ or é, they are corrupted during deserialization. (E.g. Peña becomes something similar to Pe
Tracker Issue isJSON throws exception
2612899 CF-3373247 AJAX : Plumbing Michael Battenfeld isJSON throws exception Problem Description:
The function isJSON throws an unexpected exception.
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
"JSON parsing failure at character 3:'e' in 12e
Caused by: java
2613405 CF-3322342 AJAX : Plumbing Robert Makowski serializeJSON not perserving case when using a mix of array notation and dot notation Problem Description:In previous version of Coldfusion, you could preserve the case of struct keys when converting the struct to a JSON. This functionality doesn
2597523 CF-3043649 AJAX : Plumbing Henry Ho Bug 86742:-(Watson Migration Closure)In a dynamic CFGRID, CFGRIDCOLUMN cannot render Date (with time) correctly if JVM Locale is not "en_US", such as "zh_HK" Problem:
In a dynamic CFGRID, CFGRIDCOLUMN cannot render Date (with time) correctly if JVM
2597711 CF-3042854 AJAX : Plumbing Andrew Scott Bug 85182:(Watson Migration Closure)I don't know why this - http://www Problem:
I don't know why this - http://www.andyscott.id.au/2010/11/25/ColdFusion-and-debugging-ColdFusion-9-Ajax-calls-with-the-line-debugger - is a problem in ColdFusion 9
Tracker Issue Bug 84673:(Watson Migration Closure)I'm filing this on behalf of Richard Prossor - this is his find - not mine
2597823 CF-3042473 AJAX : Plumbing Raymond Camden Bug 84673:(Watson Migration Closure)I'm filing this on behalf of Richard Prossor - this is his find - not mine Problem:
I'm filing this on behalf of Richard Prossor - this is his find - not mine. (And his text as well)CFGRID speed in Internet
2598055 CF-3041793 AJAX : Plumbing Patrick Liess Bug 83638:The patch notes state that the int to float bug has been fixed Problem:
The patch notes state that the int to float bug has been fixed. It says that 10 will turn to 10, 012 will turn to "012" (which is fine) and 10.25 will turn to 10
2598488 CF-3041279 AJAX : Plumbing Henry Ho Bug 82623:DeserializeJSON() does not preserve BigDecimal number Problem:
DeserializeJSON() does not preserve BigDecimal number. It deserializes to float. Currently serializeJSON() and deserializeJSON() is very hard to use when large number is needed
Tracker Issue Bug 81760:(Watson Migration Closure)CF 901 adds support for doing Ajax opps to CFCs outside of web root
2598895 CF-3040817 AJAX : Plumbing Raymond Camden Bug 81760:(Watson Migration Closure)CF 901 adds support for doing Ajax opps to CFCs outside of web root Problem:
CF 901 adds support for doing Ajax opps to CFCs outside of web root. This is currently limited to "CF Ajax" only. You can't do
Tracker Issue Bug 80530:Using cfajaximport on a page to import "cfwindow" or "cflayout-border" (or possibly others) breaks page display
2599292 CF-3040369 AJAX : Plumbing Neil M Bug 80530:Using cfajaximport on a page to import "cfwindow" or "cflayout-border" (or possibly others) breaks page display Problem:
Using cfajaximport on a page to import "cfwindow" or "cflayout-border" (or possibly others) breaks page display. Also, using
Tracker Issue Bug 80337:CFWindowname_title
2599367 CF-3040284 AJAX : Plumbing Ron Lebfrom Bug 80337:CFWindowname_title Problem:
CFWindowname_title.innerHTML = 'Some Value' ; is removing the close tool with ColdFusion 9 cfwindow.var folderWindow = Cold
Tracker Issue Bug 79960:In ColdFusion 9, ColdFusion
2599530 CF-3039997 AJAX : Plumbing Ari Fernelius Bug 79960:In ColdFusion 9, ColdFusion Problem:
In ColdFusion 9, ColdFusion.navigate does not work with CFLAYOUTAREAs when using syntax ColdFusion.navigate(url,container). The code example works in CF8 but not in CF9 GMC.As Cold
Tracker Issue Bug 74909:cfajaxproxy does not honor inheritance
2602089 CF-3037239 AJAX : Plumbing Marc Esher Bug 74909:cfajaxproxy does not honor inheritance Problem:
cfajaxproxy does not honor inheritance
1) Create a cfc named Parent.cfc:
2) Create a CFC named "Child.cfc"
3) Create a calling page
Tracker Issue Bug 74908:"parent" and "child" (case-sensitive) will not work in the jsclassname attribute of cfajaxproxy
2602090 CF-3037237 AJAX : Plumbing Marc Esher Bug 74908:"parent" and "child" (case-sensitive) will not work in the jsclassname attribute of cfajaxproxy Problem:
"parent" and "child" (case-sensitive) will not work in the jsclassname attribute of cfajaxproxy
1) created a cfc named "Parent
Tracker Issue Incorrect Serialization of dates
2609378 CF-3852070 AJAX : Plumbing Gary Gilbert Incorrect Serialization of dates Problem Description:
ColdFusion incorrectly serializes dates using serializeJson in different system Locales. SerializeJson should convert a date to a date that javascript can parse. According to the online
2610573 CF-3695697 AJAX : Plumbing Chris Phillips SerializeJSON will NOT wrap certain string formats with quotes. Problem Description:
I think it's any string that conforms to the following pattern: ([0-9]+D )
#SerializeJSON({s:"1A "})#
2610574 CF-3695627 AJAX : Plumbing Chris Phillips SerializeJSON turns strings that look like scientific notation into floats. Problem Description:
SerializeJSON turns strings that look like scientific notation into floats.
In our case those strings happen to be Stock Numbers. Changing them
2613006 CF-3353358 AJAX : Plumbing ext-user cfajaxproxy generates incorrect javascript when machine restarted Problem:
Server Details
Server Product ColdFusion
Version ColdFusion 10,282462
Edition Enterprise
Operating System Windows Server 2008 R2
OS Version 6.1
Adobe Driver
Tracker Issue Function SerializeJSON() converts employee's last name ("No") to boolean false in JSON output
2613240 CF-3337394 AJAX : Plumbing James Partin Function SerializeJSON() converts employee's last name ("No") to boolean false in JSON output Problem Description:
When using SerializeJSON() to convert objects to JSON, one employee has their last name of 'No' converted into a boolean false value
Tracker Issue Calling serializeJSON on a string of zeros (e.g. "000") doesn't string-encode the output.
2596982 CF-3219537 AJAX : Plumbing Tim Blair Calling serializeJSON on a string of zeros (e.g. "000") doesn't string-encode the output. Duplicate ID: CF-3321476
Problem Description:
Calling serializeJSON on a string containing just zeros (e.g. "000") will result in a non-string output of 000
2613694 CF-3184291 AJAX : Plumbing Andrew Scott ColdFusion 8 / 9 / 10 does not accept correctly formatted json via Ajax Problem Description:
For example a typical json object might be
myData = [10,0,1,5];
Yet when we send this across to ColdFusion, it fails miserably. This means that writing a
2597484 CF-3043779 AJAX : Plumbing Dave Merrill Bug 86865:Round trip JSON serialization of queries (serialize to JSON then deserialize back to CF) has a data transparency problem in that null values in the db end up as the string 'null' at the end of the pro Duplicate ID: CF-3043777
2597485 CF-3043778 AJAX : Plumbing Dave Merrill Bug 86864:Round trip JSON serialization of queries (serialize to JSON then deserialize back to CF) has a data transparency problem in that null values in the db end up as the string 'null' at the end of the pro Duplicate ID: CF-3043777
2597486 CF-3043777 AJAX : Plumbing Dave Merrill Bug 86863:(Watson Migration Closure)Round trip JSON serialization of queries (serialize to JSON then deserialize back to CF) has a data transparency problem in that null values in the db end up as the string 'null' at the end of the pro Problem
2598935 CF-3040777 AJAX : Plumbing Dan Wilson Bug 81609:Provide Durable Way To Access Underlying YUI AutoComplete object Problem:
Provide Durable Way To Access Underlying YUI AutoComplete object.This enhancement request is to make a durable, future proof method of AutoSuggest javascript object
2599690 CF-3039824 AJAX : Plumbing Daniel Short Bug 79641:When the cffile tag throws an error on upload from the cffileupload tag, the parent page still receives a success message Problem:
When the cffile tag throws an error on upload from the cffileupload tag, the parent page still receives a
2600038 CF-3039452 AJAX : Plumbing Andrew Scott Bug 79093:(Watson Migration Closure)I have to admit this is really annoying, and I haven't seen a way to override this behavior Problem:
I have to admit this is really annoying, and I haven't seen a way to override this behavior.When using cf
2602402 CF-3036890 AJAX : Plumbing Alfred Bakia Bug 73862:(Watson Migration Closure)When triggered by radio buttons in a form, the cfdiv tag behaves erroneously in Internet Explorer 6 SP1 Problem:
When triggered by radio buttons in a form, the cfdiv tag behaves erroneously in Internet Explorer 6
2603057 CF-3036190 AJAX : Plumbing Jeff Coughlin Bug 73038:autosuggest fails if first record returned starts with a number Problem:
autosuggest fails if first record returned starts with a number.
The following error message occurs (where nnn = the json field name being returned):
"widget: Bind
Tracker Issue Sending Ajax Request with JSON throws an exception
2613695 CF-3184256 AJAX : Plumbing Andrew Scott Sending Ajax Request with JSON throws an exception Duplicate ID: CF-3184291
Problem Description: the following code throws an exception
Tracker Issue Bug 84664:(Watson Migration Closure)[ANeff]
2597825 CF-3042464 AJAX : Plumbing Aaron Neff Bug 84664:(Watson Migration Closure)[ANeff] Problem:
Bug for: cfc bind expression format requires access="remote".
Please note the following:-
CF9.0.1 added CF Ajax support for CFCs outside the webroot
CF9 added onCFCRequest(), which
2598133 CF-3041702 AJAX : Plumbing Aaron Neff Bug 83428:(Watson Migration Closure)[ANeff] ER for: addtl ColdFusion Problem:
[ANeff] ER for: addtl ColdFusion.navigate parameter to prevent inclusion of CF Ajax varsSuggestion (new parameter): ColdFusion.navigate(...., prevent inclusion of CF Ajax
2602410 CF-3036882 AJAX : Plumbing Don Quist Bug 73854:(Watson Migration Closure)One thing I noticed still was something that has bugged me since CF8 when using CFML/Ext, while it might not exactly be feasible to entirely src link it, is there a chance to get the generated JS at l Problem:
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: Allow CFAJAX query column binding and preserveCaseForQueryColumn=true to play together
6177334 CF-4205182 AJAX : Plumbing [ANeff] ER for: Allow CFAJAX query column binding and preserveCaseForQueryColumn=true to play together Issue: preserveCaseForQueryColumn=true breaks some CFAJAX query column binding
Confirmed in CF-4034418 and CF2018 Update 4 (build 2018.0.04.314546).
2598438 CF-3041333 AJAX : Plumbing Dave Boulden Bug 82700:When trying to do any Ext based operations that involve AJAX loading of web pages or data, the operartions fail due to a bug in ext-yui-adaptor Problem:
When trying to do any Ext based operations that involve AJAX loading of web pages
2599355 CF-3040297 AJAX : Plumbing Ron Lebfrom Bug 80349:Adding Buttons to a HTML CFGrid in javascript is no longer working Problem:
Adding Buttons to a HTML CFGrid in javascript is no longer working. Here is the init code: var initusergrid = function(){ grid = Cold
2598554 CF-3041203 AJAX : Plumbing Dave Boulden Bug 82501:I am attempting to refresh the contents of a CFLAYOUTAREA tab panel using the underlying Ext library as there appears to be no supplied method via the ColdFusion ajax scripts Problem:
I am attempting to refresh the contents of a
Tracker Issue Bug 80347: There are many problems with the getWindowObjectvar folderWindow = ColdFusion
2599357 CF-3040295 AJAX : Plumbing Ron Lebfrom Bug 80347: There are many problems with the getWindowObjectvar folderWindow = ColdFusion Problem:
There are many problems with the getWindowObjectvar folderWindow = ColdFusion.Window.getWindowObject('managementwindow'); folder