tracker issue : CF-3038277

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Bug 76746:(Watson Migration Closure)datetime conversion to/from WDDX doesn't honor DST

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Paul Hastings / PaulH (PaulH)

Created: 04/21/2009

Components: Language, WDDX Serialization

Versions: 9.0

Failure Type: Unspecified

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 9,0,0,224233 /

Priority/Frequency: Normal / Unknown

Locale/System: English / Platforms All

Vote Count: 1

Listed in the version 2016.0.0.297996 Issues Fixed doc
Verification notes: verified_fixed on September 07, 2019 using build 2016.0.01.298513

datetime conversion to/from WDDX doesn't honor DST.


Krishna 5/20/09:Repro steps
1.Change the system Time zone to GMT -8:00(US,Canada) and check the checkbox 'Automatically adjust the clock for daylight saving changes'
2.Restart the server.
3.Run the cfm under \\\coldfusion\Bugs\76746
4.You can see different results returned which are differing by one hour.
5.If the check box 'Automatically adjust the clock for daylight saving changes' is not selected, then both results are same.


with the server in PST tz: 

<cfwddx action = "wddx2cfml"
input  = "<wddxPacket 
output = "s__WddxDate" />
<cfoutput>WDDX: #s__WddxDate#</cfoutput><br/>

this returns time off by one hour (ie not in DST): 
{ts '2006-08-19 23:00:00'}
WDDX: {ts '2006-08-20 12:30:00'}

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3038277

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: PaulH
External Customer Email: 00EE238442D680B29920157F
External Test Config: 04/21/2009



+1 vote. I don't use PST at all so this personally doesn't affect me; but if that's wrong, there could be other glitches too. It needs a bit of a going over, I think. -- Adam
Vote by External U.
23788 | November 10, 2011 07:19:22 PM GMT
Fix verified in ColdFusion Build #294196 (Comment added from ex-user id:duttswam)
Comment by Adobe D.
23787 | June 18, 2015 11:37:51 PM GMT
Hi Adobe, I've verified this is fixed in CF2016 Update 1 (build 2016.0.01.298513). Thanks!, -Aaron
Comment by Aaron N.
31300 | September 07, 2019 04:31:27 AM GMT
Note: This ticket only fixed action="wddx2cfml" but not action="cfml2wddx". Looks like CF-4198336 is possibly what fixed action="cfml2wddx". I've confirmed cfml2wddx & wddx2cfml both work correctly in CF2018 Update 4 (build 2018.0.04.314546), as a coldfusion.runtime.OleDateTime value serialized to WDDX and then deserialized back again is the same regardless of OS/JVM tz/DST. Thanks!, -Aaron
Comment by Aaron N.
31301 | September 07, 2019 04:54:16 AM GMT