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CGI Variables - Certificate Information Backwards
Active Requests Show Server CGI Variables instead of CGI Variables Associated with Request
defaults not set in Variables if instantiated by CreateObject("component")
Comment on Active Requests Show Server CGI Variables instead of CGI Variables Associated with Request by External U.
Bug 74764:When "Use J2EE session variables" is checked under Server Settings > Memory Variables
Comment on defaults not set in Variables if instantiated by CreateObject("component") by External U.
Comment on defaults not set in Variables if instantiated by CreateObject("component") by External U.
Comment on CGI Variables - Certificate Information Backwards by Immanuel N.
Bug 87127:-(Watson Migration Closure)Client Variables continually prepare and unprepare statements when using SQL Server
Comment on defaults not set in Variables if instantiated by CreateObject("component") by Vamseekrishna N.
Memory Variables Redis Password gets changed between Verify Button and Submit Changes
Comment on Bug 74764:When "Use J2EE session variables" is checked under Server Settings > Memory Variables by External U.
Comment on Bug 87127:-(Watson Migration Closure)Client Variables continually prepare and unprepare statements when using SQL Server by External U.
Comment on Memory Variables Redis Password gets changed between Verify Button and Submit Changes by Manas M.
Comment on Memory Variables Redis Password gets changed between Verify Button and Submit Changes by Manas M.
Comment on Memory Variables Redis Password gets changed between Verify Button and Submit Changes by Manas M.
Bug 79629:(Watson Migration Closure)[wishlist] providea a getProperties() method that returns a struct of all properties in a CFC, satisfying the popular Variables
[ANeff] Bug for: variable named NULL spawns in variables scope
Comment on [regression] "Variable ___IMPLICITARRYSTRUCTVAR2 is undefined." by External U.
Comment on Client Variable purge time errors without warning by External U.
Comment on Var scope continues to be in effect even after local-scoped variable becomes null by Vijay M.
4261416 CF-4202194 Aaron N. Hi Adobe, This ticket cannot be 'fixed' due to CF-4202341. Since: 1) `function f(){foo="bar"}` must create variable named "foo" into variables scope 2) `function f(){var"bar"}` must create struct named "variables" into local scope (Lucee gets this right
Quoted variable assignment errors when using keys that start with a number
2613171 CF-3341767 Vamseekrishna N. [Piyush] It seems that the issue is observed only when the structcount is taken of a copy of the arguments scope, and a modification is made in any other struct in the scope local to the function, as demonstrated below: variables.stuCp = struct
CF internal _TEMPINDEX variable bleeds into CFC variables scope
4486139 CF-4202965 Chris J. The following example also produces the dateConvert() bug: variables.localTime = createODBCDateTime("{ts '2019-03-13 17:48:00'}"); variables.currentUtc = dateConvert('local2Utc', variables.localTime); variables.targetUtc = createODBCDateTime('3/13/2019 10
2610018 CF-3737577 Language Adam Cameron Scope-handling with increment operator is glitch G'day: Consider this code: {code} URL.somevariable = 0; somevariable++; writeDump(var={URL=URL,variables=variables}); {code} The output is this: struct URL: [struct] SOMEVARIABLE: 0 VARIABLES
variables declared inside the function when tried as local. code assist doesn't list the variables.
2613733 CF-3173191 Rupesh K. cfloop for a query does not have any other variable reference to use for iteration and therefore the query variable is used. However 'for-in' construct by definition has a variable to be used for iteration and therefore it does not make sense to use both query variable
2597794 CF-3042593 External U. This is definitely a bug. If you try to reference the local variable after deleting it from local scope, ColdFusion complains there's no such variable. If there's no such local variable, assigning to it should go to variables scope, exactly as if you hadn't declared
Inconsistant variable access in nested closures
2609970 CF-3740276 Core Runtime Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: implicit struct|array overrides short-circuiting implicit struct|array overrides short-circuiting Steps to reproduce:   {code} function bar(){ writeDump(ARGUMENTS); abort; } if(structKeyExists(variables, "foo") and bar({something=variables
2609785 CF-3773095 Vamseekrishna N. This would introduce lot of confusion as currently there is clear distinction between the scope of variables defined using var inside a function and variables defined outside a function which go into the variables scope.
Comment on ColdFusion 10 form variable functionality change relating to case of variables by External U.
2613697 CF-3183868 Paul N. The properties in the variable scope were not serialized. Only the properties in the THIS scope were serialized. Now after taking all this properties, checking in the variables scope also. If some property is not available in the THIS scope, then they are taken from
Comment on Cannot assign function expression to dynamic variable by Aaron N.
regsitering a CFC.cbFunc in another CFC and using it uses the wrong variables-scope
2609971 CF-3740241 Core Runtime Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: invoke() overrides short-circuiting Duplicate ID: CF-3740276 invoke() overrides short-circuiting Steps to reproduce: function bar() {return true;} //Example 1: returns no error (good!) if(structKeyExists(variables, "foo
6995297 CF-4207716 Language : Script CFC Allow cascading return from assignments I would love for Adobe to implement immediate returns from an assignment expression. This is supported in Lucee (fyi) function getAuthUser(){ return variables.userService = variables.wirebox.getInstance( variables
Comment on Client Variable purge time errors without warning by Nimit S.
Comment on When we define a variable using cfsavecontent it adds a newline to the variable along with the content. by External U.
Comment on CFHHTP result variable not available on error by Vamseekrishna N.
Comment on CF internal _TEMPINDEX variable bleeds into CFC variables scope by External U.
Comment on CF internal _TEMPINDEX variable bleeds into CFC variables scope by Adobe D.
Comment on ColdFusion 10 form variable functionality change relating to case of variables by External U.
Comment on Make Owner scope explicit so that we can scope the variables correctly? by External U.
Comment on Make Owner scope explicit so that we can scope the variables correctly? by External U.
Comment on Make Owner scope explicit so that we can scope the variables correctly? by External U.
Comment on Make Owner scope explicit so that we can scope the variables correctly? by External U.
6502588 CF-4206045 A. B. Please read "variables.myVar2" in place of "variables.myVar1 "
2614130 CF-3130900 Language : CF Component Aaron Neff tag that defines which variable to get/set. Example: This would get/set This way we can keep these variables separate from the rest of the variables scope. ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
Comment on Variable INDEX is undefined in CFLOOP if surrounded by CFOUTPUT by CFwatson U.
Comment on Support comment extraction to variable by External U.
Comment on When we define a variable using cfsavecontent it adds a newline to the variable along with the content. by Suchika S.
Comment on output variable blank when using dbvarname by External U.
Comment on output variable blank when using dbvarname by External U.
Comment on output variable blank when using dbvarname by External U.
2609378 CF-3852070 External U. forgot to add variable for datetime
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: variable named NULL spawns in variables scope by Aaron N.
Comment on Inconsistant variable access in nested closures by Aaron N.
When we define a variable using cfsavecontent it adds a newline to the variable along with the content.
2611807 CF-3589888 Language Adam Cameron Null coalescing operator See Best summarised as: possiblyNullValue ?? valueIfNull eg: = "bah"; // uses an existing value = ?? "bar"; // => variables
2610089 CF-3731425 Rupesh K. This is how variables are resolved and ColdFusion always would look at the implicit scopes like URL scope to resolve it. In your case, your variable is defined in the variable scope and that gets the preference over the implicit scopes like CGI, URL, FORM, Cookie etc
[ANeff] Bug for: NullPointer thrown for UndefinedVariable
Support comment extraction to variable
4356429 CF-4202542 Language [ANeff] Bug for: final ignored Issue: final ignored Steps to Reproduce: 1) Run: ----------- final = "final honored" = "final ignored" writeOutput(foo)//if `foo` is changed to ``, then coldfusion.compiler.FinalVariable
5337834 CF-4204008 Language `var` keyword is not honored within cfcatch tag Problem Description: Declaring local variables using the `var` keyword doesn't work within the body of a cfcatch tag. Steps to Reproduce: {code:java} {code}   Actual Result: The `catch
2609785 CF-3773095 External U. I disagree with this bit: "var foo = 1" outside of functions to " = 1" Because a VARed variable is *not* in the variables scope in the normal sequence of events. I would actively vote AGAINST this idea. However I see a case for being able to have file
Comment on This setVariable expression not equivalent by External U.
isValid VariableName marks invalid variable names as valid if they have a period in them
2673368 CF-4126688 Security Analyzer Adam Cameron Security scanner: incorrect analysis I put this code through the security scanner: unscopedMessage = "hi"; writeOutput(unscopedMessage); variables.scopedMessage = "hi"; writeOutput(variables.scopedMessage); variables
Default local scope in variables declared within functions
Bug 74852:According to the documented variable naming rules: "A variable name must begin with a letter, underscore, or Unicode currency symbol
't involved database. I called a module that returned these variables and didn't encounter any problems regarding the unscoped "Agentfullname" variable name. I highly recommend using CFQueryParam around every value (especially FORM & URL) used in a database query otherwise it could easily be susceptible
4356429 CF-4202542 Aaron N. Hi Vijay, Thanks, yes, you are correct regarding #6. Regarding #7: By default tag cfhttp creates a variable named CFHTTP, tag cfthread creates a variable named CFTHREAD, tag cffile creates a variable named CFFILE, tag cflogin creates a variable named CFLOGIN, etc, etc
[ANeff] Bug for: naming inconsistency of page number variables
Introduce the lazy keyword for variables
Undefined Variable Thrown on Function Return
2923599 CF-4198401 Mosh T. @Poonam: Yes, as you can see in my workaround, adding hashes around the variable works just fine. But I don't think behavior should be expected. In general in CF, a variable that is neither surrounded by hashes or quotes resolves to the value of the variable
Comment on Deserializing a a json string where some variables have values of null changes those values by External U.
Locally scoped variables with null values may see scope bleed
then a cast exception is thrown. Note in the below example that if you replace = variables.q['Bar']; with = 3; then the loop works as expected. Steps to Reproduce: variables.q = QueryNew("Bar", "Integer", [{Bar = 3}]); = variables.q['Bar']; for(variables
Hemi345 I had that issue when migrating to a new version of CF and it turned out to be a session variable issue.  For example, if session.var is not defined, redirect.  Just needed to reconfigure CF session variable behavior in CF Admin to match how it was in the previous version.
Cannot assign function expression to dynamic variable
[ANeff] Bug for: Updates page throws exception when session variables disabled
Comment on Adding an attachment to a pdf variable fails by External U.
Comment on Client Variable purge time errors without warning by External U.
2608413 CF-4100344 External U. I had it backwards. variables.audit_string should have been CFSQLType="cf_sql_varchar" and variables.returnCode should have been CFSQLType="cf_sql_numeric"
2608823 CF-3983656 Awdhesh K. for-in works on collection. so variable.q should work not the variables.q['Bar'].
Comment on When we define a variable using cfsavecontent it adds a newline to the variable along with the content. by Awdhesh K.
Comment on When we define a variable using cfsavecontent it adds a newline to the variable along with the content. by External U.
2609265 CF-3863516 Rupesh K. cfinvokeargument does not need a script equivalent. you pass the variable directly in the "invoke" method and you have the complete control of creating the variable that you want to pass.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: naming inconsistency of page number variables by External U.
Comment on encrypt() key passed as a string vs. as a variable renders a different result by External U.
Comment on queryExecute leaks to the variables scope, reports incorrect value by Bernhard D.
2609785 CF-3773095 External U. +1 to template-local variables via var. Oh, and: "I can't do the equation unless I have all the variables." - Tonk Stark, The Avengers
Comment on CF internal _TEMPINDEX variable bleeds into CFC variables scope by Awdhesh K.
Comment on Allow the type of variables to be specified by External U.
Comment on isvalid("variableName") incorrectly validates strings with leading/trailing spaces or ending period by External U.
Comment on This setVariable expression not equivalent by External U.