tracker issue : CFB-4130055

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Security Analyzer Times out after 30 seconds, unable to scan large dir

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Peter Freitag / Peter Freitag (Peter Freitag)

Created: 03/18/2016

Components: Security Code Analyzer

Versions: 2016

Failure Type: Unspecified

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: RC_v31 /

Priority/Frequency: Trivial / Unknown

Locale/System: English / Mac All

Vote Count: 1

Problem Description: I tried running a scan on an application with 900 files. The security analyzer times out after 30 seconds saying "Error message from the server. Read timed out"

I changed the "Timeout Requests after seconds" to 999 seconds in the ColdFusion administrator and it still times out after 30 seconds.

Steps to Reproduce: Scan a large directory.

Actual Result: Times out after 30 seconds, does not matter what you set the request timeout to.

Expected Result: Expect it to produce a result.

Any Workarounds: None

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	4130055

External Customer Info:
External Company: Foundeo Inc.
External Customer Name: Peter Freitag
External Customer Email: PETE@FOUNDEO.COM
External Test Config:



Added By:mchandna Note Added: Changed the security analyzer design. Earlier scan was completed in one network call and results were fetched in that. So for huge project to run it used to fail sometime based on the timeout value. Now the run will be executed asynchronously, will keep pulling the status in between and once status is 100% results will be fetched and displayed. so there is no need for increasing the default timeout. To summarize, we have not increased the timeout but fixed the bug by changing the design. Now no user input will be required, it should just run. Date Added :2016-03-17 06:19:13.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Peter Freitag Note Added: Yes that setting was the trick - I increased the timeout to 300 seconds and the scan completed on the large file set. Rather than just closing the bug, I would urge you to consider as David points out some ways to fix this... Here are two ways: 1) You could increase the default timeout to something larger then most people will not run into the issue. 2) Instead of saying "Error message from the server. Read timed out" have the error message say: "Error message from the server. Read timed out - If the server is not down and RDS is enabled, you may need to increase the RDS timeout in the RDS Configuration in Preferences." Date Added :2016-02-12 16:09:02.0 Added By:mukumar Note Added: Hi Peter, Please let us know that increase in timeout configuration in CF builder works for you so that I can close the bug . Thanks, Mukesh Date Added :2016-02-11 06:39:56.0 Added By:mukumar Note Added: Hi David , Sure , Timeout configuration of RDS in CFBuilder will that documented . Thanks, Mukesh Date Added :2016-02-11 06:14:48.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:David Epler Note Added: This needs to be clearly documented as I did not know the setting was even in Builder to control the RDS timeout. Date Added :2016-02-10 14:06:03.0 Added By:mukumar Note Added: Hi Peter, You might want to increase the timeout in the RDS Configuration settings in CFBuilder and try. The default is 30 seconds. You can access the RDS Configuration settings from the RDS Dataview pane by right clicking on the server or using Windows -> Show view -> Others - > [type RDS in text box]) . Thanks, Mukesh Date Added :2016-02-10 08:38:21.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Peter Freitag Note Added: Entered Bug. Date Added :2016-02-09 17:12:04.0
Comment by CFwatson U.
26583 | March 18, 2016 05:18:00 AM GMT
+1 - Totally agree w/ Pete's comment on "2/12/2016 8:09:02 AM". 1) The RDS default timeout should be higher, 2) The error message needs to clearly describe the steps that need to be taken.
Vote by Aaron N.
26584 | March 18, 2016 05:47:58 PM GMT