CFPDF throws an 'wrong password' error when trying to generate a thumbnail from a password protected file
| View in TrackerStatus/Resolution/Reason: To Track//PRHaveInfo
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): ERNESTO R. / ()
Created: 10/21/2019
Components: Document Management, PDF manipulation
Versions: 2016
Failure Type: Non Functioning
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 2016.0.11.314546 /
Priority/Frequency: Normal / All users will encounter
Locale/System: English / Linux CentOS 6.4
Vote Count: 0
Problem Description: after updating from Update 8 to Update 11, <cfpdf> throws an error while trying to generate a thumbnail from a password protected file. Non protected files worked fine. Same files with same passwords on Update 8 worked fine. Other operations with protected PDF files hasn't been tested, but they could also show the same behaviour.
Steps to Reproduce: <cfpdf action="thumbnail" source="#filename#" password="mypassword" destination="#outputPath#" pages="1" scale="30" format="jpeg" resolution="high" overwrite="Yes">
Where filename is a password protected PDF file, with "mypassword" as password.
Actual Result: Error: "An error occurred during THUMBNAIL operation in <CFPDF>. Error: The password provided is either wrong or does not have sufficient permission to perform this action. <br>The error occurred on line 1."
Expected Result: jpg file generated and stored on #outputPath#.
Any Workarounds: none found based on CF exclusively. Function recoded to call imagemagick convert function via <cfexecute>.