tracker issue : CF-4204095

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cf installer should offer option to setup CF in Windows Start menu for "all users", not just the installing user

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Status/Resolution/Reason: To Fix//Investigate

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Charlie A. / ()

Created: 03/12/2019

Components: Installation/Config, Installer

Versions: 2018

Failure Type: Others

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: /

Priority/Frequency: Normal /

Locale/System: / Windows 10 64 bit

Vote Count: 5

When one installs CF on a Windows machine, CF implements itself in the Windows Start menu under Adobe>ColdFusion--but it only does that for the user logged in and running the installer. 

Any later users on the machine (other administrators, or clients on a hosted machine) will find that they CANNOT see that menu, and do can't easily get to the CF Admin, the web server config tool, etc.

Even if one felt it was a security concern to implement the menu for "all users", the installer should at least be offered to offer this as an option, as most installers of software on Windows do ask.

And of course, one can't GET INTO the admin without knowing the Admin password. Further, we ARE only talking about people who DO LOGIN to the server as some other user. There is no negative security implication for those accessing the server in any other way.



Can anyone from Adobe tell me what it means that you changed the "version" (on the top right) to "alpha"? and that there is still no "fixed in build;" value? And since you made that change, does it reflect your acknowledgement of this issue? If so, would you please offer a comment here to let us know what you're thinking? :-)
Comment by Charlie A.
30568 | March 26, 2019 02:14:54 PM GMT