Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Withdrawn/FeatureRemoved
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Aaron Neff / ()
Created: 04/18/2018
Versions: 2018
Failure Type: Comestic Issue
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 2018.0.0.308164 / RC
Priority/Frequency: Normal / Some users will encounter
Locale/System: / Platforms All
Vote Count: 0
Here are some suggestions for CF Admin's PMT page:
Suggestion 1: In the "ElasticSearch Host" description, change "the host on which" to "the host/IP on which" (to match same wording in the "ColdFusion Host" description).
Suggestion 2: In the "ColdFusion Host" description, change:
Specifies ColdFusion Host/IP using which ColdFusion Instance can be accessed. Make sure that the entered host/IP is correct otherwise live data will not be accessible on PMS.
to this:
Specifies the host/IP on which ColdFusion is running. Make sure that the entered host/IP is correct, otherwise live data will not be accessible in PMT.
Notes regarding Suggestion 2:
1) "Host/IP" can be "host/IP" (no need to capitalize "Host")
2) The "Specifies ColdFusion Host/IP using which ColdFusion Instance can be accessed." wording is confusing.
3) The "ElasticSearch Host" and "ColdFusion Host" descriptions should begin w/ the similar wording: "Specifies the host/IP on which ____ is running"
4) Comma missing after "correct"
5) "PMS" should be "PMT"