tracker issue : CF-3705370

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cfexchangecontact with cfexchangefilter

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Tim Barth / Tim Barth (timbtp)

Created: 02/10/2014

Components: CFExchange

Versions: 10.0

Failure Type:

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: Final / CF11 Update5,CF10 Update16

Priority/Frequency: Normal / Some users will encounter

Locale/System: English / Win All

Vote Count: 0

Listed in the version Issues Fixed doc
Trying to return more than the default number of contacts, cf returns an error when trying to close the cfexchangecontact tag.
<cfexchangecontact action="get" 
        name="qContacts" username="#mailuser#"   
        password = "#mailuserpassword#" 
        server="#mailserver#" /> 
        <cfexchangefilter name="maxRows" value="-1"> 

This generates an error: 
Context validation error for tag cfexchangecontact.Either the end tag </cfexchangecontact>; encountered on line xx at column 3 requires a matching start tag or tag cfexchangecontact does not support end tag. 

cfexchangecontact works fine without an end tag, but only returns 100 records (the default).

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3705370

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: timbtp
External Customer Email:  
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:

Version	 10,0,13,287689

Operating System	 Windows Server 2012  

Adobe Driver Version	 4.1 (Build 0001)



The error occurred because cfexchangecontact tag is already closed using /> in the first statement change it to >. It works. But still there is a problem. If the maxRows value specified in the filter is greater than 100 still it returns 100 records only.
Comment by S V.
13529 | May 07, 2014 01:15:27 PM GMT
Integrated this in #293179
Comment by Krishna R.
13530 | January 30, 2015 12:35:36 AM GMT
The fix for this bug is available in the pre-release build of ColdFusion 11 Update 5 and ColdFusion 10 Update 16
Comment by CFwatson U.
13531 | February 20, 2015 09:23:00 AM GMT