tracker issue : CF-3315764

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CFFlush doesn't work.

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): James Moberg / James Moberg (James Moberg)

Created: 08/22/2012

Components: Web Container (Tomcat)

Versions: 10.0

Failure Type: Non Functioning

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: Final /

Priority/Frequency: Critical / All users will encounter

Locale/System: English / Windows 7 SP1 64-bit

Vote Count: 1

Problem Description:  CFFlush doesn't do anything.

Steps to Reproduce:
<CFFLUSH interval="10">
<CFSET StartTime = gettickcount()>
<CFLOOP FROM="1" TO="10" INDEX="this">
	<CFOUTPUT><div>This is step ###This# - #NumberFormat(GetTickCount()-StartTime)#ms</div></CFOUTPUT>

Actual Result:

Nothing is outputted to the screen until all steps have completed and page request is done.

Expected Result:

To see a step outputted to the browser every 5 seconds

Any Workarounds:

None.  Tag function is completely ignored.

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3315764

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: Jamo
External Customer Email:  
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:

RECOMMENDATION: Write up a ColdFusion script that can be run to provide you with the exact information you required for this section or pre-populate this entire form with debugging information.

ColdFusion 10,282462 Developer  

Windows 7  (6.1)

Adobe Driver Version 	4.1 (Build 0001)

Java VM Version 	20.4-b02



Tested in current versions of Windows Firefox, Chome, Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari to ensure that it wasn't some new browser behavior. Tested on Windows 7 w/IIS6.
Comment by External U.
18423 | August 22, 2012 11:44:05 AM GMT
In order for CFFlush to work, some manual text editing of config files is required... I missed this when installing and will now need to remind myself this whenever reinstalling CF10. To disable webserver buffer, change the is_buffer_enable to false in the cfroot\config\wsconfig\1\ file. Disable webserver buffer if you want cfflush to work over an IIS connector. If your application does not use cfflush, set it to true for increase in the performance. Please update all CF10 Tag documentation to indicate that the tags will only work if additional requirements are met. (This step wasn't required in past versions of ColdFusion.)
Comment by External U.
18424 | August 22, 2012 12:05:49 PM GMT
This issue is fixed in Update 11 of CF 10. (Comment added from ex-user id:nawani)
Comment by Adobe D.
18425 | September 25, 2013 02:44:16 AM GMT
Issue still occurs in CF 10 Update 13 with upgraded connector and "iis_buffer_enable= false" specified in
Vote by External U.
18426 | June 12, 2014 05:10:19 PM GMT