Re-Opening bug #3138032 - this is not a 3rd Party problem as it works in Railo
| View in TrackerStatus/Resolution/Reason: To Fix//
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Andrew Scott / Andrew Scott (Andrew Scott)
Created: 04/07/2012
Components: ORM Support
Versions: 9.0.1
Failure Type:
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 9.0.1 /
Priority/Frequency: Major / Most users will encounter
Locale/System: English / Windows 7
Vote Count: 0
Problem Description:
Ok I have done further testing, and the following code inside an EventHandler will not work in ColdFusion 9, but works fine in Railo 3.3.2
public void function postInsert(any entity) {
if(getMetaData( entity ).fullname != 'domains.audit') {
var newSession = ORMGetSessionFactory().openSession();
var audit = new domains.audit();
audit.setEntityName(getMetaData( entity ).fullname);
Error message in ColdFusion
org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity: coldfusion.orm.PersistentTemplateProxy
Root cause :org.hibernate.HibernateException: org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity: coldfusion.orm.PersistentTemplateProxy
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
Expected Result:
Any Workarounds:
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3160257
Reason: BugReVerified
External Customer Info:
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External Customer Name: ascott67
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