Bug 83382:(Watson Migration Closure)as far as i can tell, individual message payload for these types of SMS is supposed to be 153 chars (so you can handle user data header & any padding) but after the better part of a day of hair pull
| View in TrackerStatus/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Won't Fix/LowImpact
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Paul Hastings / Paul Hastings (PaulH)
Created: 06/18/2010
Components: Event Gateway
Versions: 9.0.1
Failure Type: Unspecified
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 0000 /
Priority/Frequency: Minor / Unknown
Locale/System: English / Platforms All
Vote Count: 2
as far as i can tell, individual message payload for these types of SMS is supposed to be 153 chars (so you can handle user data header & any padding) but after the better part of a day of hair pulling it turns out cf will only allow 121 chars. it almost looks like cf is counting the whole SMS data event instead of just the message contents.
<cfscript>src=5551212;dest=5551212;gateway="localSMSTest";randomize(now().getTime()/1000);id=int(randRange(0,127));msgs=arrayNew(1);msgs[1]=repeatString("x",122);msgs[2]=repeatString("x",122);testMsg=structNew();testMsg.command="submit";testMsg.registeredDelivery=0;testMsg.destAddress=dest;testMsg.sourceAddress=src;testMsg.esmClass=64; // UDHb=createObject("java","java.lang.Byte");writeoutput("multipart message ID: #id#<br>");for (i=1; i LTE arrayLen(msgs); i=i+1) {bb=createObject("java","org.smpp.util.ByteBuffer");bb.appendByte(5);bb.appendByte(0);bb.appendByte(3);bb.appendByte(b.decode(javacast("string",id))); // cf7 has no byte for javacastbb.appendByte(b.decode(javacast("string",arrayLen(msgs))));bb.appendByte(b.decode(javacast("string",i)));bb.appendString(msgs[i]);testMsg.messagePayload=binaryDecode(bb.getHexDump(),"hex");msgID=sendGatewayMessage(gateway,testMsg);writeoutput("returned ID #msgID# for SMS sent #now()#: #len(msgs[i])#<br>");}</cfscript>
sending multipart SMS fails if message content is more than 121 chars.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3041676
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Paul Hastings
External Customer Email: 00EE238442D680B29920157F
External Test Config: 06/18/2010