tracker issue : CF-3040812

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Bug 81726:Taking a query object and converting it to WDDX using the following code:<Cfwddx action="cfml2wddx" input="#arguments

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Withdrawn/

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Rob Parkhill / Rob Parkhill (Rob Parkhill)

Created: 01/22/2010

Components: Language, WDDX Serialization

Versions: 9.0

Failure Type: Unspecified

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 9,0,0,251028 /

Priority/Frequency: Normal / Unknown

Locale/System: Japanese / Win All

Vote Count: 1


Taking a query object and converting it to WDDX using the following code:<Cfwddx action="cfml2wddx" input="#arguments.myQuery#" output="local.wddxQuery" usetimezoneinfo="true" />which is then inserted into the database (which works fine).  However when reading the data out of the database and converting back to WDDX - using the following:<Cfwddx action="wddx2cfml" input="#local.getReport.reportData#" output="local.myQuery">the query object does appear to be fine when dumped.  However when passing the query object to a ColdFusion Report file, an error is generated from the CFR indicating a programming error with an extraneous < in the code.  This is not a problem, as the same query can be passed to the CFR file before being converted and stored and the CFR generates, with no issues.   A dump of the query object, does not show any errors or extraneous characters.The procedure also works with no problems on a CF8 server when converting/storing/retrieving the data and passing it to the same CFR file.  

Here is the CFC that is used in its entirety:<cfcomponent hint="I will store and retrieve data to the Database"><!---store the Query Object ---><cffunction name="storeData" hint="I store the data in WDDX in the database" access="public" returntype="string"><cfargument name="myQuery" type="query" hint="I contain all the data for the report, except the report File used" required="true" /><cfargument name="reportFile" type="string" hint="I am the name/location of the report File" required="true" /><cfargument name="reportID" type="string" hint="I am the report ID" required="true" /><cfargument name="logoright" type="String" hint="I am the logo for the right side" required="false" default="" /><cfargument name="logoleft" type="String" hint="I am the logo for the left side" required="false" default="" /><cfset var local = {}><!--- check to see if the report has been stored already ---><cfquery name="local.checkReport" datasource="test">Select * from report_query where reportID = #reportID#</cfquery><!--- convert the Query to WDDX, this is required whether we are updating the Report info or not ---><Cfwddx action="cfml2wddx" input="#arguments.myQuery#" output="local.wddxQuery" usetimezoneinfo="true" /><!--- Get the current time and Date - we can use this information to handle the re-generation of reports and within timelines etc ---><Cfset = createODBCDatetime(now())><!--- so, did we find this report already?  if not, insert it ---><cfif local.checkreport.recordcount eq 0><cfquery name="local.inserter" datasource="test" >Insert into report_query (reportID, reportFile, reportDate, ReportData, logoLeft, logoRight)Values ('#reportID#', '#reportFile#',, '#local.wddxQuery#', '#logoleft#', '#logoright#')</cfquery><!--- if so, lets update some of the information, but we don't need to change the Report ID ---><cfelse><cfquery name="local.updater" datasource="test" >UPDATE report_query SET ReportData = '#local.wddxQuery#', reportFile = '#reportFile#', reportDate, logoright = '#logoRight#', logoleft = '#logoleft#'WHERE id =</cfquery></cfif></cffunction><!--- Retrieve Query Object ---><cffunction name="retrieveData" hint="I get the data from the database as WDDX and return a struct containg a query and the location of the reprot file" access="public" returntype="struct"><cfargument name="reportID" type="string" hint="I am the report ID" required="true" /><cfset var local = {}><!--- check to see fi the report is stored or not ---><cfquery name="local.getReport" datasource="test">SELECT * FROM report_query WHERE reportID = #reportID#</cfquery> <!--- did we find a report? ---><cfif local.getReport.recordcount gt 0><!--- convert back to a query so that we can pass it to the CFR ---><Cfwddx action="wddx2cfml" input="#local.getReport.reportData#" output="local.myQuery"><cfreturn local><cfelse> <!--- didn't find it, tell the calling page to generate the query by itself ---><cfset local.notfound = reportid><cfreturn local></cfif></cffunction></cfcomponent>then just a simple <cfreport> is called on the originating page for example:<cfreport template="#local.dbresult.getReport.reportFile#" format="flashpaper"   query="local.dbresult.myQuery" />

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3040812

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: Rob Parkhill
External Customer Email: 6948663845D32D03992015D5
External Test Config: 01/22/2010

