Bug 80349:Adding Buttons to a HTML CFGrid in javascript is no longer working
| View in TrackerStatus/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Withdrawn/
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Ron Lebfrom / Ron Lebfrom (Ronsweb)
Created: 10/14/2009
Versions: 9.0
Failure Type: Unspecified
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 9,0,0,251028 /
Priority/Frequency: Normal / Some users will encounter
Locale/System: English / Platforms All
Vote Count: 0
Adding Buttons to a HTML CFGrid in javascript is no longer working. Here is the init code: var initusergrid = function(){ grid = ColdFusion.Grid.getGridObject("WebAuthorGrid"); grid.addListener("rowclick",GetUserInfo); var gridHead = grid.getView().getHeaderPanel(true); var tbar = new Ext.Toolbar(gridHead);Ext.fly(tbar.addSpacer().getEl().parentNode).setStyle('width', '100%');tbar.add(new Ext.Toolbar.Separator());tbar.addButton({ text:"Delete Selected Account", icon:"plugin.png", cls:"x-btn-text-icon", tooltip:"Delete Selected Account", handler:deleteSelectedGridAccount }); }The area that is throwing the error is at:var gridHead = grid.getView().getHeaderPanel(true);The javascript error is :Object doesn't support this property or method
Adding Buttons to a HTML CFGrid in javascript is no longer working. Here is the init code: var initusergrid = function(){ grid = ColdFusion.Grid.getGridObject("WebAuthorGrid"); grid.addListener("rowclick",GetUserInfo); var gridHead = grid.getView().getHeaderPanel(true); var tbar = new Ext.Toolbar(gridHead);Ext.fly(tbar.addSpacer().getEl().parentNode).setStyle('width', '100%');tbar.add(new Ext.Toolbar.Separator());tbar.addButton({ text:"Delete Selected Account", icon:"plugin.png", cls:"x-btn-text-icon", tooltip:"Delete Selected Account", handler:deleteSelectedGridAccount }); }The area that is throwing the error is at:var gridHead = grid.getView().getHeaderPanel(true);The javascript error is :Object doesn't support this property or method
Adding Buttons to a HTML CFGrid in javascript is no longer working. Here is the init code: var initusergrid = function(){ grid = ColdFusion.Grid.getGridObject("WebAuthorGrid"); grid.addListener("rowclick",GetUserInfo); var gridHead = grid.getView().getHeaderPanel(true); var tbar = new Ext.Toolbar(gridHead);Ext.fly(tbar.addSpacer().getEl().parentNode).setStyle('width', '100%');tbar.add(new Ext.Toolbar.Separator());tbar.addButton({ text:"Delete Selected Account", icon:"plugin.png", cls:"x-btn-text-icon", tooltip:"Delete Selected Account", handler:deleteSelectedGridAccount }); }The area that is throwing the error is at:var gridHead = grid.getView().getHeaderPanel(true);The javascript error is :Object doesn't support this property or method
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3040297
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Ron Lebfrom
External Customer Email: 133907D4446362FF99201549
External Test Config: 10/14/2009