tracker issue : CF-3039007

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Bug 78158:When using cfinvoke to call a method that returns void, and assigning a struct variable as the returnvariable, the result causes a key be created in the struct that contains 'undefined'

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Withdrawn/

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Rich Kroll / Rich Kroll (richkroll)

Created: 06/24/2009

Components: Language, Functions

Versions: 9.0

Failure Type: Unspecified

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 9,0,0,233019 /

Priority/Frequency: Major / Unknown

Locale/System: English / Mac 10 All

Vote Count: 0


When using cfinvoke to call a method that returns void, and assigning a struct variable as the returnvariable, the result causes a key be created in the struct that contains 'undefined'.

Create and invoke the demo.userit() method and you will see the dump display the struct containing an undefined key, yet it passes the structKeyExists check.

<!-- demo cfc -->
	<cffunction name="useit">
		<cfset var refLocal = structNew() />
		<cfset var component = createObject('component', 'Voider') />
		<cfinvoke component="#component#" method="returnVoid" returnvariable="refLocal.results" />
		<cfif structkeyexists(refLocal, "results")>
			<!-- refLocal should not contain a results key as the component returns void -->
			<cfdump var="#refLocal#">

<!-- voider.cfc -->
	<cffunction name="returnVoid" returntype="void">

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3039007

Deployment Phase:	Release Candidate

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: Rich Kroll
External Customer Email: 2A5E34053CACB10F992001AC
External Test Config: 06/24/2009

