tracker issue : CF-3037975

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Bug 76109:I was seeing how CF9 interacted with CF on Wheels 0

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Jon Hartmann / Jon Hartmann (jon.hartmann)

Created: 03/21/2009

Components: Language, CF Component

Versions: 9.0

Failure Type: Unspecified

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 0000 /

Priority/Frequency: Major / Unknown

Locale/System: English / Win All

Vote Count: 0


I was seeing how CF9 interacted with CF on Wheels 0.9, and as soon as I tried to open it I received an error. It seems that CF is mistaking a line of code for a component declaration.


Put the following code into a .cfm page and open it.

<cffunction name="$runFilters" returntype="void" access="public" output="false">
	<cfargument name="controller" type="any" required="true">
	<cfargument name="actionName" type="string" required="true">
	<cfargument name="type" type="string" required="true">
		var loc = {};
		if (arguments.type == "before")
			loc.filters = arguments.controller.$getBeforeFilters();
			loc.filters = arguments.controller.$getAfterFilters();
		loc.iEnd = ArrayLen(loc.filters);
		for (loc.i=1; loc.i LTE loc.iEnd; loc.i=loc.i+1)
			if ((!Len(loc.filters[loc.i].only) && !Len(loc.filters[loc.i].except)) || (Len(loc.filters[loc.i].only) && ListFindNoCase(loc.filters[loc.i].only, arguments.actionName)) || (Len(loc.filters[loc.i].except) && !ListFindNoCase(loc.filters[loc.i].except, arguments.actionName)))
				$invoke(component=arguments.controller, method=loc.filters[loc.i].through);


function keyword is missing in FUNCTION declaration.

The CFML compiler was processing:

A script statement beginning with $invoke on line 15, column 33.
A script statement beginning with if on line 14, column 25.
A script statement beginning with { on line 13, column 17.
A script statement beginning with for on line 12, column 17.
A cfscript tag beginning on line 5, column 10.
A cfscript tag beginning on line 5, column 10.
The error occurred in F:\wwwroot\testing\index.cfm: line 15
13 : 		{
14 : 			if ((!Len(loc.filters[loc.i].only) && !Len(loc.filters[loc.i].except)) || (Len(loc.filters[loc.i].only) && ListFindNoCase(loc.filters[loc.i].only, arguments.actionName)) || (Len(loc.filters[loc.i].except) && !ListFindNoCase(loc.filters[loc.i].except, arguments.actionName)))
15 : 				$invoke(component=arguments.controller, method=loc.filters[loc.i].through);
16 : 		}
17 : 	</cfscript>

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3037975

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: Jon Hartmann
External Customer Email: 3124041A447C75CA99201549
External Test Config: 03/21/2009

