Error Object with id:{id} was not of the specified subclass: coldfusion.orm.PersistentTemplateProxy While loading an Entity
| View in TrackerStatus/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): / ext-user (Rupesh Kumar)
Created: 10/12/2011
Components: ORM Support
Versions: 10.0
Failure Type: Unspecified
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: Alpha2 / 279352
Priority/Frequency: Normal / Some users will encounter
Locale/System: ALL / Mac 10 All,Win XP All
Vote Count: 1
If there is any difference in the case for CFC name used for the Entity and the one specified in the relationship Definition, it can cause this error.
Here is one repro case
Person.cfc (Note the case of the file)
<cfcomponent output="false" persistent="true" table="people">
<cfproperty name="id" column="pid" generator="increment" ormtype="integer" type="numeric" >
<cfproperty name="name" type="string" column="name">
<cfproperty name="parent" fieldtype="many-to-one" fkcolumn="parent_id" cfc="person" update="false" lazy="true" >
<cfproperty name="children" fieldtype="one-to-many" cfc="person" fkcolumn="parent_id" >
<cfset this.name = "selfreference">
<cfset this.ormenabled = "true">
<cfset this.datasource = "artgallery">
<cfset this.ormsettings.dbcreate = "dropcreate">
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3000279
Deployment Phase: Release Candidate
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