tracker issue : CF-4198540

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Closure Passed as Argument

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/Fixed

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Jake Churchill / Jake Churchill ()

Created: 04/19/2017

Components: Language, Functions

Versions: 2016,2018

Failure Type: Incorrectly functioning

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 2016.0.03.301771 / 2018.0.02.312567

Priority/Frequency: Major / All users will encounter

Locale/System: ALL / Windows 10 64 bit

Vote Count: 8

Problem Description:
 When passing a function closure to another function, if the argument type is string, the function is allowed to come through. I believe this to be incorrect

Steps to Reproduce:
 See attached CFML file

Actual Result:
 Passing a function closure to another function via an argument with type="string" allows the function to come through

Expected Result:
 "Argument XYZ passed to function ABC is not of type string" error message by server

Any Workarounds:


Sample Code:
{code:java}<cffunction name="sayHello">
	<cfargument name="person" type="string" />
	<cfoutput>Hello, #ARGUMENTS.person#<br/></cfoutput>
<cffunction name="testString">
	<cfargument name="arg1" type="string" />
	<cfdump var="#arguments#" label="arguments" expand="true" />
	<cfif NOT isSimpleValue(arguments.arg1)>
<cffunction name="testFunction">
	<cfargument name="arg1" type="function" />
	<cfdump var="#arguments#" label="arguments" expand="true" />
	<cfif NOT isSimpleValue(arguments.arg1)>

<strong>TESTS WITH FUNCTION</strong><br/>
I would expect this to fail based on argument type
	<cfset testString(sayHello) />
<hr width=20% align=left>I would expect this to succeed
	<cfset testFunction(sayHello) />
<hr><strong>TESTS WITH STRING</strong><br/>
I would expect this to succeed
<pre>testString('some string')</pre>result=
	<cfset testString('some string') />
<hr width=20% align=left>I would expect this to fail based on argument type
<pre>testFunction('some string')</pre>result=
	<cfset testFunction('some string') />
<hr><strong>TESTS WITH NUMBER</strong><br/>
I would expect this to succeed
	<cfset testString(123) />
<hr width=20% align=left>I would expect this to fail based on argument type
	<cfset testFunction(123) />
<hr><strong>TESTS WITH QUERY</strong><br/>
I would expect this to fail based on argument type
	<cfset testString(QueryNew('id')) />
<hr width=20% align=left>I would expect this to fail based on argument type
	<cfset testFunction(QueryNew('id')) />
<hr><strong>TESTS WITH STRUCT</strong><br/>
I would expect this to fail based on argument type
	<cfset testString({}) />
<hr width=20% align=left>I would expect this to fail based on argument type
	<cfset testFunction({}) />
<hr/><strong>TESTS WITH ARRAY</strong><br/>
I would expect this to fail based on argument type
	<cfset testString([]) />
<hr width=20% align=left>I would expect this to fail based on argument type
	<cfset testFunction([]) />



  1. April 19, 2017 00:00:00: closure.cfm


I've run into strange bugs where a string was intended to be passed but it was a function and did not crash
Comment by Jason T.
913 | April 19, 2017 04:09:15 PM GMT
This may have be resolved with CF-4198335 / build 302165 - can the Adobe Team verify this?
Comment by Jason T.
914 | April 19, 2017 04:27:52 PM GMT
Checked on the latest build , does not work we need to fix this.
Comment by Suchika S.
915 | April 25, 2017 10:39:17 AM GMT