Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Aaron Neff / Aaron Neff (Aaron Neff)
Created: 09/24/2015
Components: Language
Versions: 11.0
Failure Type:
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: CF11_Final /
Priority/Frequency: Minor / Some users will encounter
Locale/System: English / Win XP All
Vote Count: 0
cffile(action="uploadall" introduced underscore variables.
CFFILE.uploadAll_Errors and CFFILE.uploadAll_Results
should be
CFFILE.uploadAllErrors and CFFILE.uploadAllResults
Please see the following note on ticket 3194042, where this underscore issue was also fixed for cfschedule(action="list":
For consistency w/ the rest of the language (i.e. cfquery's result struct, cfhttp's result struct, etc) the underscores in cfschedule's [in this case cffile action="uploadall"] result struct should be removed.
It was stated that underscores make the terms more readable. Well..
What about cfhttp’s result variables: charset, errordetail, filecontent, mimetype, responseheader, statuscode?
Should those be: char_set, error_detail, file_content, mime_type, response_header, status_code?
What about getTimeZoneInfo()’s result variables: utcTotalOffset, utcHourOffset, utcMinuteOffset, isDSTOn?
Should those be: utc_total_offset, utc_hour_offset, utc_minute_offset, is_dst_on?
What about cfdirectory’s datelastmodified result value? Should that be date_last_modified?
What about getFileInfo()’s result variables: lastmodified, canread, canwrite, ishidden?
Should those be: last_modified, can_read, can_write, is_hidden?
What about cfquery’s result variables: recordcount, sqlparameters, columnlist, executiontime, generatedkey?
Should those be: record_count, sql_parameters, column_list, execution_time, generated_key?
(The above tags/functions are just some of the examples. I understand CGI variables use underscores, and that cfqueryparam’s cfsqltype attribute takes values having underscores, and that the old db-specific cfquery result variables for the ID of the inserted row used underscores, but MOST of the examples in CF do not use underscores to join words)
The fix for 3194042 removed the underscores but allowed the underscores for backward-compat. Same fix should be done here.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 4062974
External Customer Info:
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External Customer Name: Aaron Neff
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