Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/Fixed
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): James Moberg / James Moberg ()
Created: 03/22/2018
Versions: 2016,11.0,2018
Failure Type: Others
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: / 318456, 318424, 318560
Priority/Frequency: Normal /
Locale/System: /
Vote Count: 30
I'd like to use the "samesite" cookie attribute w/CFCookie. (I would prefer not to have to write my own handler because I've encountered issues where setting a cookie wouldn't make it available to the ColdFusion application unless I set the cookie and then performed an additional web request.)
I had hoped that this attribute would already be supported in CF2016, but it appears that it's not. (I'm not sure if support is even currently planned for the upcoming beta.)
More information regarding "samesite" can be found here:
Refer also - CF-4202424