Problem Description:
We have some code that calls a component method. The method does a cfquery and uses cfsavecontent and cfoutput to generate html content using the query results. The html string is returned by the method.
The content is then generated on a .cfm page like this.
After CF 18 update 5 this code started throwing this error.
Invalid tag nesting configuration Bug.
A query driven queryloop tag is nested inside a queryloop tag that also has a query attribute. This is not allowed. Nesting these tags implies that you want to use grouped processing. However, only the top-level tag can specify the query that drives the processing.
Steps to Reproduce:
See the attached code to reproduce.
Actual Result:
Invalid tag nesting configuration Bug.
Expected Result:
HTML content on the screen.
Any Workarounds:
This seems to work.
<cfset myComponent = new Mycomponent()>
<cfset content = myComponent.getContent()>