tracker issue : CF-3041676

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Bug 83382:(Watson Migration Closure)as far as i can tell, individual message payload for these types of SMS is supposed to be 153 chars (so you can handle user data header & any padding) but after the better part of a day of hair pull

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Won't Fix/LowImpact

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Paul Hastings / Paul Hastings (PaulH)

Created: 06/18/2010

Components: Event Gateway

Versions: 9.0.1

Failure Type: Unspecified

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 0000 /

Priority/Frequency: Minor / Unknown

Locale/System: English / Platforms All

Vote Count: 2


as far as i can  tell, individual message payload for these types of SMS is supposed to be 153  chars (so you can handle user data header & any padding) but after the better part of a day of hair pulling it turns out cf will only allow 121 chars. it  almost looks like cf is counting the whole SMS data event instead of just the message contents.

<cfscript>src=5551212;dest=5551212;gateway="localSMSTest";randomize(now().getTime()/1000);id=int(randRange(0,127));msgs=arrayNew(1);msgs[1]=repeatString("x",122);msgs[2]=repeatString("x",122);testMsg=structNew();testMsg.command="submit";testMsg.registeredDelivery=0;testMsg.destAddress=dest;testMsg.sourceAddress=src;testMsg.esmClass=64; // UDHb=createObject("java","java.lang.Byte");writeoutput("multipart message ID: #id#<br>");for (i=1; i LTE arrayLen(msgs); i=i+1) {bb=createObject("java","org.smpp.util.ByteBuffer");bb.appendByte(5);bb.appendByte(0);bb.appendByte(3);bb.appendByte(b.decode(javacast("string",id)));  // cf7 has no byte for javacastbb.appendByte(b.decode(javacast("string",arrayLen(msgs))));bb.appendByte(b.decode(javacast("string",i)));bb.appendString(msgs[i]);testMsg.messagePayload=binaryDecode(bb.getHexDump(),"hex");msgID=sendGatewayMessage(gateway,testMsg);writeoutput("returned ID #msgID# for SMS sent #now()#: #len(msgs[i])#<br>");}</cfscript>

sending multipart SMS fails if message content is more than 121 chars.

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3041676

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: Paul Hastings
External Customer Email: 00EE238442D680B29920157F
External Test Config: 06/18/2010



i suspect this is maybe related to encoding. is cf maybe ignoring any encoding?
Comment by External U.
22039 | February 29, 2012 06:09:42 AM GMT
If CF is serious about the sms event gateway then this bug should be a high priority. We have been suppliers of SMS software to business for over 6 years. Our software uses the CF sms gateway. The saturation of SmartPhones is now such that we feel as though we are in danger of falling behind what the market requires due to the fact that the concatenation requirements of CF are far in excess of what is acceptable to our clients. The message header should only take 7 characters but CF is using 39 characters. So, for a concatenated message that costs our customers 34c they are only getting 242 characters instead of 306 characters like our competition. That is a 64 character loss! 20%. We respectfully request that urgent attention be given to the CF concatenation bug. It is not only disappointing to our clients, it may be a barrier to future uptake of CF as an SMS gateway client by other providers (which is bad for everyone).
Comment by External U.
22040 | February 29, 2012 09:25:31 PM GMT
This character hit to our customers is too high to offer the message concatenation in our application. I would be embarrassed to try to explain they will lose 39 characters in each message so the messages can be stitched back together at the other end. I see this as a really big problem for our application going forward. Also - see note.
Vote by External U.
22041 | February 29, 2012 09:32:37 PM GMT