Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Withdrawn/CannotReproduce
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): spencer schultz / spencer schultz ()
Created: 02/01/2017
Versions: 2016
Failure Type: Crash
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 2016.0.03.300466 /
Priority/Frequency: Normal / All users will encounter
Locale/System: ALL / Win 2012 Server x64
Vote Count: 0
Problem Description: While using CFCHART the "Marker" tag attribute throws an error stating it's not a valid attribute. This is a valid attribute listed in the ColdFusion documents and it is also a valid attribute of ZingChart (the third party component used to make the CFCHART tag).
Here is the error I receive when using the "Marker" attribute:
Diagnostics: Attribute validation error for the chart tag. The tag does not have an attribute called marker. The valid attribute(s) are id, type, renderer, query, itemColumn, style, name, format, chartHeight, height, chartWidth, width, aspect3d, alpha, plot, refresh, plotarea, preview, xaxis, yaxis, xaxis2, yaxis2, scales, zoom, tooltip, labels, scaleFrom, scaleTo, showXGridlines, showYGridlines, gridlines, seriesPlacement, legend, foregroundColor, dataBackgroundColor, backgroundColor, background, fill, border, bevel, crosshair, arrows, xaxisvalues, yaxisvalues, showBorder, font, fontSize, fontBold, fontItalic, xAxisTitle, yAxisTitle, title, show3D, xOffset, yOffset, rotated, showLegend, labelFormat, labelMask, tipStyle, tipBGColor, showMarkers, markerSize, pieSliceStyle, url, sortXAxis, xAxisType, yAxisType, returnAsInputStream.
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
Expected Result:
Any Workarounds: