tracker issue : CF-4198337

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setMetaData() for component properties

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Status/Resolution/Reason: To Fix//BugVerified

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Mosh Teitelbaum / Mosh Teitelbaum ()

Created: 02/14/2017

Components: Language, CF Component

Versions: 2016

Failure Type: Enhancement Request

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: /

Priority/Frequency: Normal /

Locale/System: / Win All

Vote Count: 1

There are currently CF functions to set the meta data (e.g., datatype) of specific struct keys and array items via the structSetMetaData() and array.setMetaData() functions.  This is essential for proper communication via JSON.  However, if using CF Components with properties and serializing them to JSON, there is no way to set the meta data for the properties of these components.



Any status update on this? Any idea as to when this might become available? Thanks.
Comment by Mosh T.
1183 | November 08, 2017 08:51:44 PM GMT
+1 and getMetadata() for specific properties too
Vote by Aaron N.
29538 | August 18, 2018 02:53:28 AM GMT