tracker issue : CF-4198415

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Support this.sameurlfieldsasarray setting

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Needs Review//NeedsApproval

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Bradley Wood / Bradley Wood ()

Created: 03/20/2017

Components: Language

Versions: 2016

Failure Type: Others

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: /

Priority/Frequency: Normal /

Locale/System: / Platforms All

Vote Count: 2

Both Adobe CF and Lucee server support the this.sameformfieldsasarray setting.  However Lucee Server supports an additional setting called this.sameurlfieldsasarray which does the same thing but applies to the form scope instead.  Please support this setting as it makes sense and will make it easier to write more portable code that works in both CF engines.



+1 - This would be useful.
Vote by Aaron N.
1056 | March 31, 2017 01:19:44 AM GMT
Hi Adobe, I see the status is "Needs Review/NeedsApproval". This would've come in handy just now. Hopefully it gets the approval that THIS.sameFormFieldsAsArray received. Thanks!, -Aaron
Comment by Aaron N.
1055 | November 07, 2017 02:07:54 AM GMT
Doh! Just ran into this again :) I'd changed method="post" to method="get" and wondered why same-named fields weren't still array =P Why wasn't this done when THIS.sameFormFieldsAsArray was done? This ticket is still "NeedsReview/NeedsApproval" 7 months later! I approve =) Can someone pls hit "approve" =D Thanks!, -Aaron
Comment by Aaron N.
29010 | June 10, 2018 03:36:31 AM GMT