displaying top 100 results
Tracker Comment Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by Rupesh K.
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by Rupesh K.
Tracker Comment Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Tracker Issue Object Literal Syntax for Ordered/Sorted Structs
2673443 CF-4126544 Language Abram Adams Object Literal Syntax for Ordered/Sorted Structs Now that we have ordered/sorted structs structNew("sorted/ordered") we need to also have literal syntax support. This was discussed in the PR forums, but no consensus was made on what the best syntax would be
Tracker Comment Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by Immanuel N.
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by Immanuel N.
Tracker Comment Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
2609221 CF-3909712 External U. We should always think about aesthetics of a language. This is ugly syntax.
Tracker Comment Comment on Range as a type and a literal by External U.
2608757 CF-4010491 External U. This would be another great simplicity syntax enhancement for the language.
Tracker Comment Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug introduced in ColdFusion 9 still plagues us today - session scope gets trashed by Aaron N.
2614063 CF-3133547 Aaron N. +1 - Please fix. Scope shadowing is undesired. Lucee gets it right: https://docs.lucee.org/guides/developing-with-lucee-server/language-syntax-differences.html#scope-names-cannot-be-overwritten Suggestion: THIS.enableScopeShadowing=true(default):false
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug introduced in ColdFusion 9 still plagues us today - session scope gets trashed by Aaron N.
2614063 CF-3133547 Aaron N. Hi Pavan,
Unscoped references to query columns in a cfloop is sloppy and shouldn't prevent the logical behavior requested in this ticket.
It is disheartening to see Lucee adding many of the features we've been wanting: https://docs.lucee.org/guides/developing-with-lucee-server/language-syntax
2672613 CF-4184601 External U. It does seem to beggar belief this is not already the syntax in the language.
2609368 CF-3853251 External U. Makes the language much more familiar (and less verbose) by incorporating standard function syntax from other languages.
Tracker Issue function is a keyword in tag syntax
3511177 CF-4199737 Language function is a keyword in tag syntax Problem:
function is a keyword in tag syntax
Run the following cases:
Does not work
2609317 CF-3859383 Mobile Support : Language Syntax Dave Ferguson cfm links not being converted to html links in PG application If your code uses templating, mustache for example, that generates .cfm links those links will break in a phonegapp application.
A manual run of cfclient
Tracker Issue [Enhancement Request] cffunctions.js file to be loaded for an application only when its required
2609862 CF-3755497 Mobile Support : Language Syntax ext-user [Enhancement Request] cffunctions.js file to be loaded for an application only when its required Problem: cffunctions.js file is to be loaded for an application only if its used/required by the code within an application.
2609863 CF-3755482 Mobile Support : Language Syntax ext-user Proper error message to be thrown when invalid attribute is used with tag Problem: When tag is used with invalid attribute, an error is thrown on browser, which states " Attribute validation error for the client tag", while
Tracker Issue <cfclient> seems to require /CFIDE to be available
2609893 CF-3750729 Mobile Support : Language Syntax Adam Cameron seems to require /CFIDE to be available Long version:
requires /CFIDE to be exposed.
Obviously it shouldn
Tracker Comment Comment on <CFSPREADSHEET> generates a file with data corrupted. SPREADSHEETNEW() does not. by Stephen J.
write Java. The fact that you are interpreting these values as Java floats and doubles, not only totally breaks the spirit of the language, but you have 2 completely different behaviours across language syntax. Really? I'm also troubled because there seems to be a theme here. See my ticket CF-3993581
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: literal syntax for unsynchronized array
2673072 CF-4153055 Language Aaron Neff [ANeff] ER for: literal syntax for unsynchronized array This ER is for a literal syntax for unsynchronized array.
Syntax suggestion: ["element",..](configStruct)
Example: ["foo","bar"]({sync=false})
Thoughts? Other suggestions
Tracker Issue Out of memory error on Strange increment syntax
6311844 CF-4205375 Language Out of memory error on Strange increment syntax Problem Description:
Code compiles but throws error
Steps to Reproduce:
Run this
Actual Result:
{"status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":"GC overhead limit exceeded","timeStamp":1570564484803,"path
Tracker Issue [Regression] File reference with cfm extension in cfclient device file APIs do not work for packaged application
2609324 CF-3859257 Mobile Support : Language Syntax ext-user [Regression] File reference with cfm extension in cfclient device file APIs do not work for packaged application Problem: If device file APIs are having file names with "cfm" extension as input parameters, the code works as shell
2609325 CF-3859184 Mobile Support : Language Syntax ext-user [Regression] Series of cfm references in cfclient code does not get converted to "html" during packaging, single reference does Problem: During packaging a application, a series of cfm references do not get converted to "html
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: Disableable scope shadowing
Suggestion: per-app setting THIS.enableScopeShadowing=true(default)|false
Default THIS.enableScopeShadowing=true preserves backward-compat.
Optional THIS.enableScopeShadowing=false allows scope names to always be invoked first
Related URL: https://docs.lucee.org/guides/developing-with-lucee-server/language-syntax-differences.html#scope-names-cannot-be-overwritten
Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update
robbm91839661 Please stop with the tags Adobe! It's embarrassing to see a programming language in 2018 that supports syntax like this. Please deprecate the tags and quit wasting your money adding closures to tags, just delete and move on. There is very little mention on how concurrency and multi
2609262 CF-3863521 External U. I think it's foolhardy to have "generic syntax" and then not support some of it. That breaks the predictability of the language.
If anything, you should run with the generic version and deprecate the non-generic.
Tracker Issue Using index variable inside anonymous function called as a parameter to Arrayeach(Member funtions) gives undefined index
2609545 CF-3833529 Mobile Support : Language Syntax ext-user Using index variable inside anonymous function called as a parameter to Arrayeach(Member funtions) gives undefined index Problem: Index is not defined for Arrayeach(member functions).
1. Run the below code:
myArray1 = ["Sagar
Tracker Comment Comment on Revise how "generic" CFScript syntax works by Dave M.
Comment on Revise how "generic" CFScript syntax works by Dave M.
Tracker Issue Certain syntax breaks the interpreter (compiler)
6595560 CF-4206403 Language : Application Framework Certain syntax breaks the interpreter (compiler) Problem Description:
With 2016 UPDATE 12 or 13 we discovered a strange and unpredictable behavior that only happens for certain Code structures.
It can best be explained by the following example
Tracker Issue param does not support associative array syntax
2611345 CF-3629224 Language Adam Cameron param does not support associative array syntax See http://cfmlblog.adamcameron.me/2013/09/way-to-make-me-feel-thick-sean-by.html
This should work:
param URL["number"];
But doesn't.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
Tracker Issue Support "arrow functions" syntax for closures
2918733 CF-4198396 Language : Closures Bradley Wood Support "arrow functions" syntax for closures Please support the popular "arrow function" syntax for declaring closures. Please copy the precedent already set by Lucee Server. This is documented here:
. This behaviour is not consistent with documentation and the actual behaviour of CF server, which is still happy with it.
All three of the following documentation pages consistently state that keywords such as 'try' are reserved only in script syntax, not in tag syntax:
Tracker Issue Ability to declare and execute closure syntax
2609599 CF-3824254 Language Luis Majano Ability to declare and execute closure syntax Duplicate ID: CF-3346435
Since closure support has been added, why not add inline execution of closure declarations as well. This works in other closure supported languages:
2601781 CF-3037588 Language : CFSCRIPT Devin Holloway Bug 75551:cannot define an empty stuct in short-hand syntax as argument default Problem:
cannot define an empty stuct in short-hand syntax as argument default
remote array function fill(string entity, struct filter
Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update
2612823 CF-3401939 External U. Verified this is fixed in CF11 Update 5 (build 11,0,05,293506). The example in the description also returns 5 in CF11 Update 4 (build 11,0,04,293328).
FYI, there is a doc bug on the regex syntax page: https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/the-cfml-programming-language/using-regular-expressions-in-functions/regular-expression-syntax
4251078 CF-4202139 Language : Functions [ANeff] Bug for: ArrayNew[dataType](1) syntax won't be used and should be removed Issue: ArrayNew[dataType](1) syntax won't be used and should be removed
CF2018 is adding 3 syntax for creating typed array:
1) ["string"][](
2) Array
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: literal syntax for sorted structs
2673081 CF-4152476 Language Aaron Neff [ANeff] ER for: literal syntax for sorted structs 4126544 "Object Literal Syntax for Ordered/Sorted Structs" is marked "Fixed", but there is no literal syntax for sorted structs.
This ticket is to cover literal syntax for sorted structs.
Please read: http
2611035 CF-3648781 Rupesh K. @Adam, of course it is an expression but with closures, things become different. There is no other language construct where an expression body has statements. The Closure body will have statements. Now should those statements be written using the tag syntax or script
2881117 CF-4198364 Language Jonas Meller Unexptected behaviour when using cfloop query + ArrayAppend + ['column'] syntax Problem Description:
Unexpected behavior when using cfloop query + ArrayAppend + ['column'] syntax
I've tested 10,0,12,286680 and 2016.0.03.301771 and both show the unexpected
2835008 CF-4198320 Aaron N. Hi Poonam,
AHA! (yes, I just confirmed that works) So, that would be a documentation bug then. That syntax is not documented here: https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/the-cfml-programming-language/elements-of-cfml/tags.html
of writing in a language is being able to write clear, readable code. This: cfsilent() { //code } is a contradiction on you as language developers. What are those parentheses doing there? That syntax isn't fooling anyone. It's not a function. It reads wrong.
Reconsider the neverfix and take a look at how
Tracker Issue Add conformity to <cfloop> collection iteration
2673608 CF-4122711 Language Adam Cameron Add conformity to collection iteration ColdFUsion 2016 added new syntax to :
Similar syntax was added for files and lists:
This is a reasonable start, but I think it warrants further fine-tuning:
2598906 CF-3040807 Language : CFSCRIPT Andrew Scott Bug 81693:(Watson Migration Closure)It seems that the syntax for comments is broken Problem:
It seems that the syntax for comments is broken.For example we can't do this/* /** */*/And I started to ignore the editor / IDE when this happens
6302610 CF-4205371 Language Some compiler errors don't report actual file and line of invalid syntax Problem Description:
Some compiler errors don't report actual file and line of invalid syntax which makes debugging very hard.
Steps to Reproduce:
2602146 CF-3037178 Language : CFSCRIPT Sean Corfield Bug 74802:Allow for (item in collection) syntax to work for *all* types of collection Problem:
Allow for (item in collection) syntax to work for *all* types of collection.
Currently you can use for (key in someStruct) to loop over a structure
Tracker Comment Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by CFwatson U.
Comment on Language/Syntax Enhancement - Array/Struct Literal append/update by CFwatson U.
2841957 CF-4198331 Language : CFSCRIPT Aaron Neff [ANeff] ER for: include operator to allow both attributes as name/value This ER is for the include operator to allow both attributes as name/value.
History: The param operator originally only allowed this syntax: param [type] name [=default
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 79390:There is currently no way of dynamically invoking a CFC's method in CFScript by External U.
2616150 CF-3039641 External U. This is a dupe of CF-3033950 which I already voted on so I'm adding a vote to this one as well. The CFML Advisory Committee were unanimous including both Adobe reps that this syntax should be supported: obj[method](arg);
Instead you gave us invoke() which is a bad
2608161 CF-4176011 Language Mingo Hagen Setting a cookie to a non-simple value doesn't throw an error in scope-syntax Problem Description:
When setting a cookie to (for example) a struct-type variable using the cfcookie() / syntax throws (as expected) an error, doing the same using scope-syntax
2608671 CF-4026106 Language Adam Cameron Script syntax or array-of-object function arguments doesn't work. This works:
This doesn't:
function takesArrayOfTests(Test[] tests){
return tests.len();
It should.
Invalid CFML construct found
Tracker Comment Comment on Ordered structs omitted from docs by External U.
2673657 CF-4119454 External U. No mention here either:
And the code examples are rubbish.
No mention of struct iteration functions here either
2827197 CF-4198314 Jake M. I wanted to double check that the code in the "Steps to Reproduce" section is indeed valid ColdFusion syntax. I found the following CF documentation page that shows implicitly creating an array in the same manner as shown above:
2609590 CF-3827490 External U. Not really a bug, in my opinion. The syntax for for-in loops is:
for (someKey in someStructure) { }
The fact that your example works with a list is accidental. Nevertheless, you may request it as a new feature to extend the language.
6266292 CF-4205268 Language Lambda/Fat Arrow expression requires block body syntax when returning a function When you return a function from a Lambda/Fat Arrow function, ColdFusion requires that you use the "block body" syntax. This makes the code very cumbersome and goes against how other
Tracker Issue The parser will throw exception if closure used with arguments in a new object creation syntax
4152047 CF-4201781 Language : Functions The parser will throw exception if closure used with arguments in a new object creation syntax Problem Description:
if you have the following code:
var consumerValue = "";
new cbstreams.Optional()
.of( "luis
Tracker Comment Comment on Merging PDF variables fails in cfscript by Mayur J.
2608371 CF-4109053 Mayur J. CFC based solution was added to provide script support for CFPDF Tag features. We are planing to deprecate the cfc based script syntax support.
Now we have support for all the PDF tags in script, Its advised to use them instead of using cfc based approach
Comment on Revise how "generic" CFScript syntax works by External U.
Comment on Revise how "generic" CFScript syntax works by External U.
3823059 CF-4200441 Language : Functions Dave Levin WriteDump() should have an option to output to a new line It would be great if writeDump() could have an optional attribute to output a string to its own line. Obviously if you're using writeDump() on an object it already does this, but it could
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 79390:There is currently no way of dynamically invoking a CFC's method in CFScript by External U.
-in function which makes it impossible for framework writers to create portable code -- we have to use evaluate() for this!
Why can't you just implement the syntax you agreed to back in 2009, that has worked on Railo and OpenBD for YEARS, and works in all other OOP languages that I can think of too. Only
Portal Comment Comment on final == immutable? (or not?) by Bradley Wood
). The languages I've seen have a syntax when declaring the variable where you specify if it should be immutable or provides some sort of .freeze() member function that you call when you're finished creating the data structure and ready to lock it from further mutation.
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: ArrayContainsNoCase and ArrayDeleteNoCase are missing by External U.
DeleteNoCase() documentation shows the ArrayDelete() syntax and example. It should show the ArrayDeleteNoCase() syntax and example.
Also, once ArrayContainsNoCase() and ArrayDeleteNoCase() are added to the language in Splendor, then the documentation for those should say: "ColdFusion 11: Added this function."
Tracker Issue Bug 78547:(Watson Migration Closure)I love cfqueryparam
and its options.
Instead of cfsqltype the attribute syntax "type" could be used and all of its values would be identical minus the cf_sql_ prefix.
could also be coded:
It seems like this would be super easy to add to the language and would accelerate the coding of each cfqp significantly
2597583 CF-3043394 Language : CFSCRIPT Adam Tuttle Bug 86402:-(Watson Migration Closure)This code compiles/runs fine:This code throws a syntax error: ("Invalid CFML construct found")function foo() a:b="123" {} Duplicate ID: CF-3514590
This code compiles/runs fine:This code throws a
2602010 CF-3037333 Language David McGuigan Bug 75106:(Watson Migration Closure)It's important that ColdFusion 9 support using colon-syntaxed property value pairs for object literal argument notation: Problem:
It's important that ColdFusion 9 support using colon-syntaxed property value pairs
Tracker Issue Yet another bug with struct-literal syntax
2612387 CF-3516704 Language Adam Cameron Yet another bug with struct-literal syntax Problem Description:
The compiler on CF9 and CF10 both barf at the code below
Steps to Reproduce:
thread name="t1" action="run" data={key="value"} {
// do stuff
Actual Result:
Unable to complete CFML to Java
Tracker Comment Comment on CFScript 2.0 by External U.
2609610 CF-3822362 External U. CFScript is an inconsistent mess. No new developer should have to learn this conflicting, illogical, botched, scripting language. V2 implemented this way will guarantee backward compatibility and wipe the slate clean to attract newcomers to CF and utilise it based
Tracker Comment Comment on CFSCRIPT: UDF - Use of "Default" in first argument results in error. by Aaron N.
6044410 CF-4204917 Aaron N. Hi Bryon,
CF9's undocumented `default=""` syntax is unsupported in CF2018+.
Supported CF9+ syntax is myVariable="":
*@myVariable.hint "This should define a default value for the argument"
function test(string myVariable=""){}
Note: The fact
.enableScopeShadowing=true(default)|false. THIS.enableScopeShadowing=false would disable CF's scope shadowing and, thus, prevent hackers from working around Enhancement Request 1.
Related URL: https://docs.lucee.org/guides/developing-with-lucee-server/language-syntax-differences.html#scope-names-cannot-be-overwritten
6410580 CF-4205758 Language : Closures Array slice syntax does not compile when used in an inner function Problem Description:
The following code (or any code using the array slice syntax in an lexically scoped inner function) causes an error:
> Incompatible object argument for function call
Tracker Issue Revise how "generic" CFScript syntax works
2609221 CF-3909712 Language Adam Cameron Revise how "generic" CFScript syntax works This is appallingly awful syntax:
cfwddx(action="cfml2wddx", input={}, output="w");
a) It looks like a function, but isn't a function (although it SHOULD be a function!)
b) and it returns a value but one needs
4322446 CF-4202430 Language : Script CFC property no longer allowed as a function name within a function in a CFC Problem Description:
2018 syntax doesn't differ between "property()" called outside of a function, and property() to be called WITHIN a function in a CFC
Tracker Issue Bug 80335:Using inline structure syntax for named function arguments against UDFs and CFCs is broken
2599369 CF-3040282 Language : Datastructure Jared Rypka-Hauer Bug 80335:Using inline structure syntax for named function arguments against UDFs and CFCs is broken Problem:
Using inline structure syntax for named function arguments against UDFs and CFCs is broken. funCall(structArg={}) throws a
2599288 CF-3040373 Language : CFSCRIPT Steve Seaquist Bug 80554:(Watson Migration Closure)New Feature Request: Now that cfscript is so much more syntax compatible with JavaScript, allow (cfscript src="/path/MyJavaScriptFile Problem:
New Feature Request: Now that cfscript is so much more syntax
Tracker Issue Implement Spread Operator
6185058 CF-4205196 Language Implement Spread Operator The Spread operator is super convenient in the JavaScript world and would be a great addition to the modern trend of functions/syntaxes being adopted by cfscript.
I would suggest implementing it in the same way as JavaScript: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Spread_syntax
2600660 CF-3038792 Language Ryan Guill Bug 77700:(Watson Migration Closure)I would really like to see a built-in way to parse (and convert back to) markdown syntax: http://daringfireball Problem:
I would really like to see a built-in way to parse (and convert back to) markdown syntax: http
Portal Topic Asynchronous Programming In ColdFusion (2018)
Vijay Mohan Asynchronous Programming In ColdFusion (2018) With advances in computing and transition from single-user desktop application to web-based application, multi-threading emerged as a core feature for all modern programming languages. In ColdFusion, you can implement threads using cfthread
Tracker Issue Cannot invoke anonymous functions
2614040 CF-3135080 Language Nathan Strutz Cannot invoke anonymous functions Problem Description:
I can't create and invoke a function in one step.
Steps to Reproduce:
val = function () { return true; }();
Actual Result:
Returns a syntax error:
Invalid construct.
A script statement must end
Tracker Issue Bug 83669:(Watson Migration Closure)Please add support for creating annotations outside of a comment block
2598041 CF-3041813 Language : CFSCRIPT Bob Silverberg Bug 83669:(Watson Migration Closure)Please add support for creating annotations outside of a comment block Problem:
Please add support for creating annotations outside of a comment block. The current syntax of /** * @ */ is confusing
Comment on Revise how "generic" CFScript syntax works by External U.
Comment on Bug 75473:(Watson Migration Closure)Instead of building new implementations of tags as functions, give us an import ability so we can import our custom tags using a prefix and closure-like syntax by External U.
Comment on Bug 75106:(Watson Migration Closure)It's important that ColdFusion 9 support using colon-syntaxed property value pairs for object literal argument notation: by External U.
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Doc Bug for: Many array function docs have typos and are unclear and misleading
- "Syntax" section is incomplete and does not match the "Parameters"
- "Parameters" section is incomplete and could use better descriptions
- "Example" section could be improved
- "Description" section is unclear and misleading
- "Returns" section has an extra comma
- "Syntax
Tracker Issue Improve implicit getters/setters
2608759 CF-4010489 Language : CF Component Adam Cameron Improve implicit getters/setters From http://blog.adamcameron.me/2015/06/what-id-like-to-see-in-coldfusion12.html
Implement them properly, not simply via the invokeImplicitAccessor Application.cfc setting. I recommend using the C# syntax
Tracker Issue Bug 78316:(Watson Migration Closure)If you create components in cfscript you can't set the encoding using:
2600391 CF-3039073 Language : CFSCRIPT John Whish Bug 78316:(Watson Migration Closure)If you create components in cfscript you can't set the encoding using: Problem:
If you create components in cfscript you can't set the encoding using:
processingdirective pageencoding="utf-8";
it throws a
2598417 CF-3041357 Language : Tags Steve Sommers Bug 82726:(Watson Migration Closure)cfinput should not always include the terminating slash in the associated input tag that it generates Problem:
cfinput should not always include the terminating slash in the associated input tag that it generates
Tracker Issue Bug 83668:(Watson Migration Closure)Please add support for multi-line annotations in the next ColdFusion release
2598042 CF-3041812 Language : CFSCRIPT Bob Silverberg Bug 83668:(Watson Migration Closure)Please add support for multi-line annotations in the next ColdFusion release Problem:
Please add support for multi-line annotations in the next ColdFusion release. Currently if you create a multi
2597867 CF-3042166 Language : Functions Sebastian Zartner Bug 84167:(Watson Migration Closure)Allow more advanced features in regular expression functionsCurrently the regular expression syntax in ColdFusion doesn't allow features like lookbehinds, atomic groups, possessive quantifiers, condit