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Quick Tip: After 20 years developing with ColdFusion, I finally realized numberFormat() can round.

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November 02, 2019 05:05:31 PM GMT
1 Comment
<p>I’ve been developing ColdFusion applications for about 20 years and sometimes I feel like I’m still learning.  On occasion it takes stumbling across a feature to realize how something works. Consider the following code: <cfoutput> #NumberFormat(1.5)# </cfoutput> Now… some people might look at that and think, “of course it’s going to display 2.” Honestly, I had no idea. numberFormat() without a mask will round numbers. That seems strange to me, frankly, but live and learn. Try it for yourself. Anyone […]</p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://coldfusion.adobe.com/2019/11/quick-tip-20-years-developing-coldfusion-finally-realized-numberformat-can-round/">Quick Tip: After 20 years developing with ColdFusion, I finally realized numberFormat() can round.</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://coldfusion.adobe.com">ColdFusion</a>.</p>
Labels: Blog, Language, blog, ColdFusion, language, training


Embarrassingly I missed that cfdump had the abort attribute for years.
Comment by Grae Desmond
4679 | March 05, 2020 02:21:26 AM GMT