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Extracting text/html out Word (.docx) files

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November 03, 2018 04:44:50 PM GMT
<p>Repositories https://github.com/jmohler1970/WordExtractor https://github.com/jmohler1970/WordExtractor_demo Introduction We are going to be extracting out HTML from a Word (.docx) file. .docx is an example of an Open Document Format for Office Applications (ODF) file. It is a ZIP of an XML document. By unzipping the file and locating the appropriate XML file, we can process the data an generate HTML Resources https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenDocument https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/cfml-reference/coldfusion-tags/tags-u-z/cfzip.html https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/cfml-reference/coldfusion-functions/functions-t-z/xmlparse.html</p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://coldfusion.adobe.com/2018/11/extracting-text-html-out-word-docx-files/">Extracting text/html out Word (.docx) files</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://coldfusion.adobe.com">ColdFusion</a>.</p>
Labels: Blog, Learning, blog, cfscript, cfzip, learning, programming


Well done, James! I really enjoyed this walk through. Been a loooooOOOOooooong time since I've seen any great CF tutorials. And I think I can use this. I've been wanting to convert my word documents into markdown files. Thanks for the head start! BTW: I had no idea docx files were really just zip files. (mind-blown)
Comment by chrisg57685480
1362 | November 05, 2018 06:38:01 PM GMT
Glad you liked it!
Comment by James Mohler
1365 | November 06, 2018 04:52:25 AM GMT
Excellent content James.  This was really well done.
Comment by David Byers
1369 | November 07, 2018 09:13:37 PM GMT
Glad you liked it!
Comment by James Mohler
1370 | November 07, 2018 09:58:03 PM GMT
Awsome James. This content is very useful.
Comment by ksaravn
2046 | May 10, 2019 08:41:47 AM GMT
Nice James. Today I used you code to do some extractions. It is difficult to do a nice commit to your git hub. See bellow some enhancement and issue solving. component output="false" { this.xmlPara = ""; // parsed into XML nodes this.xmlString = ""; // raw text this.proofErr = "spellEnd"; VARIABLES.listcounter = 1; // used to set order list numbers VARIABLES.listcounterOutlinelevel = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]; // used to set order list numbers with outlinelevel VARIABLES.listCounterLen = ArrayLen(VARIABLES.listcounterOutlinelevel); variables.CRLF = Chr(13) & Chr(10); this.headingMax = 6; private string function ReadNode (required xml Node) { var result = ""; var wpPr = ""; var wrPr = ""; // Does bold, italic var wnumPr = ""; // ordered or unordered in html var wnumID = ""; var wVal = ""; var basedOn =""; var startElementName = ""; var wrPrNodeElement = ""; var outlinelevel = 0; var ilvl = 0; var pHTMLtag ="p"; if (StructIsEmpty(arguments.Node)) { return ""; } for (var Element in arguments.node.xmlChildren) { startwVal = ""; /* Start Tags*/ switch (Element.xmlName) { case "w:p" : wVal = ""; // default paragraph style wnumid = ""; // This actually the type of list if (ArrayLen(Element.XMLChildren) != 0) { /* pPr ParagraphProperties*/ if (Element.XMLChildren[1].xmlName == "w:pPr") { wpPr = Element.XMLChildren[1]; cfloop(array=wpPr.XMLChildren,index=PPropertyIndex,item=PProperty) { if (PProperty.xmlName == "w:pStyle") { wVal = PProperty.XMLAttributes["w:val"]; } if (PProperty.xmlName == "w:outlineLvl") { outlinelevel = PProperty.XMLAttributes["w:val"]; } if (PProperty.xmlName == "w:numPr") { cfloop(array=PProperty.XMLChildren,index=NumropertyIndex,item=NumProperty) { if (NumProperty.xmlName == "w:numID") { wnumid = NumProperty.XMLAttributes["w:val"]; } if (NumProperty.xmlName == "w:ilvl") { ilvl = NumProperty.XMLAttributes["w:val"]; VARIABLES.listcounterOutlinelevel[ilvl+1]=0; resetCounterValues(ilvl); } } } } } } switch (wVal) { case "ListParagraph" : if (wnumid == 2) { result &= '<ol start="#listcounter#"><li>#ReadNode(Element)#</li></ol>#variables.crlf#'; } else { result &= '<li>#ReadNode(Element)#</li>#variables.crlf#'; } variables.listcounter++; break; default : variables.listcounter = 1; /* normal paragraph*/ if(wVal neq ""){ /* find if the style has numbering and its outlinelevel*/ /*https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/documentformat.openxml.wordprocessing.numberingproperties?view=openxml-2.8.1*/ pstyle =XmlSearch(this.xmlStyles,"/w:styles/w:style[@w:styleId='#wVal#']"); outlinelevel = JavaCast("int",XmlSearch(pstyle[1],"number(w:pPr/w:outlineLvl/@w:val)")); ilvl = JavaCast("int",XmlSearch(pstyle[1],"number(w:pPr/w:numPr/w:ilvl/@w:val)")); wnumId = JavaCast("int",XmlSearch(pstyle[1],"number(w:pPr/w:numPr/w:numId/@w:val)")); basedOn = XmlSearch(pstyle[1],"string(w:basedOn/@w:val)"); pHTMLtag ="p"; for(var headingNumber =1; headingNumber lte this.headingMax;headingNumber++){ if(basedOn eq "Heading"&headingNumber OR wVal eq "Heading"&headingNumber){ pHTMLtag ="h"&headingNumber; resetCounterValues(headingNumber); } } if(wnumId gt 0 AND isnumeric(ilvl) AND ilvl gt 0 ) { VARIABLES.listcounterOutlinelevel[ilvl+1]=0; VARIABLES.listcounterOutlinelevel[ilvl]=VARIABLES.listcounterOutlinelevel[ilvl]+1; result &= '<#pHTMLtag# class="#wVal#">#VARIABLES.listcounterOutlinelevel[ilvl]#. #ReadNode(Element)#</#pHTMLtag#>#variables.crlf#'; //add style id as html class name } else { variables.listcounter = 1; result &= '<#pHTMLtag# class="#wVal#">#ReadNode(Element)#</#pHTMLtag#>#variables.crlf#'; //add style id as html class name } } else { variables.listcounter = 1; result &= '<p>#ReadNode(Element)#</p>#variables.crlf#'; } } break; // end of w:p case "w:r" : // This handles bolds and italics wrPr = ""; wrPrNodeElement = ReadNode(Element); /* multiple children*/ for(var elChild in Element.XMLChildren){ if ( isArray(elChild.XMLChildren) && !arrayIsEmpty(elChild.XMLChildren)) { /* loop */ cfloop(array=elChild.XMLChildren,index=wrPrIndex,item=wrPritem) { wrPr = elChild.XMLChildren[wrPrIndex].XMLName; switch (wrPr) { case "w:b" : wrPrNodeElement = "<b>#wrPrNodeElement#</b>"; break; case "w:i" : wrPrNodeElement = "<i>#wrPrNodeElement#</i>"; break; case "w:u" : wrPrNodeElement = "<u>#wrPrNodeElement#</u>"; break; default : /* Other */ break; } } } } result &= wrPrNodeElement; break; case "w:t" : result &= Element.xmlText; break; case "w:ProofErr" : /* Word divides this into separate areas*/ /*skip this.proofErr = Element.XMLAttributes["w:type"];*/ break; case "w:pStyle" : /* skip variables.currentTag = Element.XMLAttributes["w:val"];*/ break; case "w:instrText" : /* skip*/ break; default : result &= Element.xmlText; } /* Inner text*/ /* result &= readNode(Element);*/ } /* End for loop on Element*/ return result; } /* End function*/ private function resetCounterValues(required numeric depth) { for (var i = ARGUMENTS.depth+1; i lte VARIABLES.listCounterLen;i++){ VARIABLES.listcounterOutlinelevel[i] = 0; } } string function extractDocx(required string pathToDocX) { cfzip(action="read", file=arguments.pathToDocx, entrypath="word\document.xml", variable="this.xmlString",charset = "utf-8"); cfzip(action="read", file=arguments.pathToDocx, entrypath="word\styles.xml", variable="this.xmlStyles",charset = "utf-8"); this.xmlPara = xmlparse(this.xmlString).document.body; return ReadNode(this.xmlPara); } }
2473 | October 25, 2019 03:39:23 PM GMT
Hi, great post, thx. Is there a way, also to put the Image out of the Word-Document, which is in "w drawing", to HTML? I've read many posts (Java and PHP > mostly found payable plugins), but no clue how to do it in CF. There must be 2 ways, inline and floating. I've found this post usefull:<a href="https://www.toptal.com/xml/an-informal-introduction-to-docx" rel="nofollow">https://www.toptal.com/xml/an-informal-introduction-to-docx</a> But there is no explanation how to put that into code to show it then in HTML. Thx for any Answer Corrado
Comment by delsalsa
4770 | June 19, 2020 07:00:25 PM GMT