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Comment on Adobe ColdFusion Specialist Certificate Program by Decent Joe
Thoughts on the ColdFusion Specialist Program Exam
Comment on Adobe ColdFusion Specialist Certificate Program by Surinder Singh
Create a command CLI program and API for importing a .Car file
2019 CFSummt Vegas – ColdFusion Specialist Program
Thoughts on the ColdFusion Specialist Program In-Person Segment
Thoughts on the ColdFusion Specialist Program Online Segment
Comment on Adobe ColdFusion Specialist Certificate Program by Andy Peterson
CFsup Map, Reduce, and Filter functions in ColdFusion Functional programming has gained popularity in the recent past. Using functional programming techniques, you can write code that is relatively bug-free, easier to debug and test, and easier to refactor. One of the reasons why functional
Asynchronous Programming In ColdFusion (2018)
Comment on 2019 CFSummt Vegas – ColdFusion Specialist Program by Charlie Arehart
Comment on Asynchronous Programming In ColdFusion (2018) by codem36518387
Comment on Asynchronous Programming In ColdFusion (2018) by James Mohler
akretzer You realize Cold Fusion Now podcast is not about the programming language, eh?
Comment on Adobe ColdFusion Specialist Certificate Program by Surinder Singh
Adobe ColdFusion Specialist Certificate Program
Comment on Thoughts on the ColdFusion Specialist Program In-Person Segment by jBrodeur
James Mohler Taffy for REST – Part 5: Access Tokens with some real simple authorization This is an introduction to APIkey based authorization with Taffy. StackOverflow definition An application programming interface key (API key) is a code passed in by computer programs calling an API (application
Top 3 Key Factors When Choosing a Programming Language (Why CFML is Always the Best Option)
Jürgen Wittsiepe What about PDF documentation? That is what I really need. The Web sites are too slow to find things during programming.
Comment on Asynchronous Programming In ColdFusion (2018) by James Mohler
Comment on Asynchronous Programming In ColdFusion (2018) by James Mohler
Comment on Asynchronous Programming In ColdFusion (2018) by aliaspooryorik
Comment on Adobe ColdFusion Specialist Certificate Program by James Mohler
Comment on Asynchronous Programming In ColdFusion (2018) by KeithCarmichael
Comment on Adobe ColdFusion Specialist Certificate Program by WilzDezign
2671795 CF-4198042 Aaron N. The issue affects any .jpg taken by a camera, or saved from a program like Photoshop.
2609085 CF-3934762 External U. Language specification defines the programming language. CFML must have it.
2611903 CF-3576112 External U. This is vital to any modern programming language
2611903 CF-3576112 External U. Social features in my programming platform? Yes please!
2613157 CF-3342688 External U. Local documentation is vital. That is so for every programming language. Having documentation at hand speeds up coding by at least a factor of 2.
2614137 CF-3130311 External U. When trying to delete this directory that has this archive manually, I get that it is open in another program.
2608703 CF-4020372 Siddiq M. really need this feature it is really basic programming enhancement. Adobe please take a look and implement.
Comment on Asynchronous Programming In ColdFusion (2018) by robbm91839661
Comment on Adobe ColdFusion Specialist Certificate Program by joelh94835559
ColdFusion Rocks! Still Remains the Best Programming Language!
Saurav Ghosh James, We have fixed this in the docs.
Comment on Asynchronous Programming In ColdFusion (2018) by codem36518387
David Byers Agreed!  There are new developers out there.  I'd love to see a program catering to someone who is starting off on the ground floor.
brookd I did try that also (java.home=C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk-11.0.2) I think my issue is the connector.. checking on that now...
Kishore Balakrishnan Hi, You could use the code "certpgm" if you want to enroll for the certificate program alone. Regards, kishore
Comment on Asynchronous Programming In ColdFusion (2018) by Simranjit Singh_994
lscherr The program has a 32-bit and a 64-bit version and both are registered.  I'm not sure how the code knows which one to call.  CF should be 64 bit, just downloaded it on to a brand new server
Comment on 2019 CFSummt Vegas – ColdFusion Specialist Program by ShawnPO
Comment on Adobe ColdFusion Specialist Certificate Program by itssantoshdahifale
Comment on Asynchronous Programming In ColdFusion (2018) by jBrodeur
Comment on Adobe ColdFusion Specialist Certificate Program by Grae Desmond
2682305 CFB-4130053 Installer Mark Picker Installer still doesn't allow a space in the folder name during install. As per the title, installing CFB3.1 on a Windows machine you still can't have a space in the folder name. By default all software should go to Program Files for 64bit applications
3048748 CF-4198572 Carl V. Agreed. Returning a boolean is pretty much useless and breaking method chaining breaks up programming flow.
2673040 CF-4155352 External U. Query that causes error: SELECT LogNumber FROM tblMain WHERE (Program = 'Apple') ORDER BY right(LogNumber,3) DESC
2673558 CF-4126411 External U. The replace() function is used a lot in my company and this bug broke my programs.
2609595 CF-3825535 External U. I add my vote. This bug impacts productivity, in that it undermines encapsulation ('information-hiding'), one of the basic principles of object-oriented programming.
2609788 CF-3772481 External U. I turned off my antivirus program, and restarted the ColdFusion 11 Add-on service, and turned the antivirus back on. The cfhtmltopdf tag and cfhtmltopdf() function worked as expected.
2609895 CF-3749301 External U. If we're going to get into functional programming (and to be clear: allowing functions as arguments means we are),then ALL functions need to be fair game.
2611146 CF-3637491 External U. This is currently stopping a business need. It would be great if Adobe could start a Quality Assurance program to catch some of these obvious and glaring issues. I could and should use Railo to overcome this, and it would be free.
2612631 CF-3488063 External U. Aaron, For how long this problem has existed, applying the patch manually is easier than installing the program in the first place. Really easy. Fixes the issue.
2613581 CF-3216317 External U. Been programming for 30+ years and full time with ColdFusion since 1998. See for more detail. Appears the Tomcat connector "drops out" after reboot.
2613651 CF-3195198 External U. This can be reproduced easily on Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008 simply by running this code: It will throw an exception when it reaches c:\ProgramData
2614082 CF-3133205 Vamseekrishna N. The document (new features guide) was provided for the release candidate program. It is not applicable for the final product documentation
2682617 CFB-3833130 extuser I encounter this problem all the time with cfcs with 3000+ lines. It makes the program pretty unusable for large files.
2682667 CFB-3775120 External U. This bug also breaks the "Install New Software" feature saying the program hasn't been setup correctly to do so.
2682667 CFB-3775120 External U. However, now doing that, the "Install" dialog doesn't recognize what plugins are already installed. Looks like I might be facing a new download/install of the entire program.
Vijay Mohan Null support in ColdFusion 2018 Null is an important construct in modern programming languages, which improves language interoperability with other tech stack and programming languages. Before the 2018 release of ColdFusion, a database null or a null returned from an external service
Charlie Arehart Cool Jim. I see it adds a memoize function, which may be what you were focused on for this comment. Otherwise, we should note that that library (adding lots of functional programming features to CFML) is from the CF10 timeframe, before CF added more and more such functional
Comment on Adobe ColdFusion Specialist Certificate Program by Charlie Arehart
Bug 72693:(Watson Migration Closure)I would like a way to execute a scheduled task from a dos command line, so other programs and such could execute tasks
to the lockdown guide: Download and Install Windows tool named SubInACL.exe from Then, run the following to give stop/start permissions to the new secure user: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\subinacl.exe" /service "\\\Cold
appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,Converter,Program,Showcase,convert,converter,library,number2TextConverter,program
Portal Topic OOP and ColdFusion
Suchika Singh OOP and ColdFusion Object-Oriented Programming is common term in programming language. It’s a vast concept but to sum it up in a single line, it is a set of concepts and techniques that make use of the “object” construct, to write more reusable, maintainable, and organized code
ashudeeps55469743 Writing CFMs without Semicolons Semi-colons have been statement separators for most programming languages. Earlier when processing was slow and memory was expensive, language designers needed to split programs into multiple statements. A few languages required each statement to
modern programming languages. Covariant Method Return Type Most modern programming languages support ‘subtyping’. Let me explain subtyping by an example. If the return type of my class function is ‘Animal’ while overriding the function in a subclass, you can specify the […] The post OOP and Cold
great general programming language. But is it really that great?  Let’s take a look at a few points of comparison between C# and Adobe ColdFusion. Adobe ColdFusion C# Ease of Use Ask any programmer with CFML experience what is the easiest programming […] The post 5 Reasons Why Adobe ColdFusion is Better
: Adobe ColdFusion is now online! This industry-led certification program from Adobe comes with 50+ online videos and is specially designed to fit every coder, with both basic and advanced level proficiency in any computer language. Upon completing the program, you will […] The post Cold
the path. 

This fails: java.home=C:/Program Files/Java/jdk-11.0.2

This works: java.home=C:/Program Files/Java/jre1.8.0_201

Anything else to try?

srouse72 I'm also having an issue with CF2018 on IIS v10, I cannot find the wsconfig tool.  I am very new to setting up ColdFusion and even newer at dealing with IIS.  My entire program was coded in CF9 (using IIS), but when they stood-up my development server they used Windows Server 2016 with IIS
2673298 CF-4131212 Language Betty Chen Variable value did not pass to the template when using CFINCLUDE Problem Description: After calling the program from CFINCLUDE, the variable value from the parent program became null. Steps to Reproduce: (there is a variable called translator_id in xyz
in the console. ===============================================================================Running programs----------------Stop all instances of ColdFusion before installing. PRESS TO ACCEPT THE FOLLOWING (OK): unning programs ----------------Method: Result: Message asked the user to manually stop
2613929 CF-3144695 Language Dominic Watson Create native functional style functions that make use of closures It would be great to see native functions for functional programming, such as Map and Reduce. I.e. native: ArrayFold() ArrayMap() StructFold() StructMap() Ben Nadel has a good post
as Adobe ColdFusion 2016. Actual Result: "Adobe ColdFusion 2016 .NET Integration Service" and "Adobe ColdFusion 2016 Add-on Service" are registered in "Uninstall or change a program". Expected Result: "Adobe ColdFusion 2018 .NET Integration Service" and "Adobe ColdFusion 2018 Add-on Service
Charlie Arehart Yep, but to clarify, is it in fact that you just started contributing in 2019? If so, great for reaching the guide level so quickly. :-) So Adobe, if that's the case, does the program really make people wait to the following year to get their benefit? That does seem odd.
and Oracle and Javascript. All you need period. Java written specialty programs can be surrounded by a Coldfusion website platform. Easy to make Java calls.
Comment on Asynchronous Programming In ColdFusion (2018) by Diderot, Esquire
Comment on Adobe ColdFusion Specialist Certificate Program by GoldportTechGroup
Bernhard Döbler Hi, I started a program, it complained about a wrong Java version and opened a webbrowser on java dot com. There I saw, Oracle released JAVA Version 8 Update 221. Will it be available on https
Comment on 2019 CFSummt Vegas – ColdFusion Specialist Program by Grae Desmond
Comment on 2019 CFSummt Vegas – ColdFusion Specialist Program by graed93034643
Comment on 2019 CFSummt Vegas – ColdFusion Specialist Program by Charlie Arehart
Comment on 2019 CFSummt Vegas – ColdFusion Specialist Program by jBrodeur
Comment on Thoughts on the ColdFusion Specialist Program In-Person Segment by jBrodeur
Comment on Thoughts on the ColdFusion Specialist Program In-Person Segment by Elishia Dvorak
Comment on Adobe ColdFusion Specialist Certificate Program by eccentricDBA
Comment on Thoughts on the ColdFusion Specialist Program Exam by Grae Desmond
Comment on Adobe ColdFusion Specialist Certificate Program by Charlie Arehart
Comment on Adobe ColdFusion Specialist Certificate Program by Andy Peterson
altascene My vote would be to add the timeout option back to the Scheduler task configuration page.  does work but, if you have a task that increases in runtime over time, you are required to make a programming change, as opposed to an administrative