tracker issue : CF-4205409

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Lockdown tool prevents selecting instance to lockdown when locked down instances > 10

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Status/Resolution/Reason: To Fix//BugVerified

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Doug C. / ()

Created: 10/11/2019

Components: Installation/Config, Lockdown Installer

Versions: 2018

Failure Type: Usability Issue

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: Current lockdown tool - i think released with cf2018 update 4 - no versioning apparent /

Priority/Frequency: Normal / All users will encounter

Locale/System: English / Win 2016

Vote Count: 0

Problem Description:
Can't select new instance to lockdown in lockdown tool when there are 10+ instances already locked down - Looks like the lockdown tool dialog doesn't scroll so pushes selection drop down up and off the visible page.

Steps to Reproduce:
Lockdown 10+ sites, try and lockdown number 12 and you can;t see the selection drop down

Actual Result:
Can't apply lockdown to instance

Expected Result:
Should be able to apply lockdown to instance

Any Workarounds:
press tab till selection indicator disappears (assume it it highlighting the hidden drop down) press down arrow once (assuming the is one new instance to lockdown) which I think highlights the first available instance in the hidden drop down. Click next and the lockdown screens show the invisible instance in their selections for web server / cf instance etc.

