tracker issue : CF-4205388

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please offer the most recent and last update, for each CF version in fiddle

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Open//

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Charlie A. / ()

Created: 10/09/2019

Components: CFApps, CFFiddle

Versions: 2018

Failure Type:

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: /

Priority/Frequency: Normal /

Locale/System: /

Vote Count: 1

Currently, the site offers only the latest update of the currently supported CF versions (2016 and 2018, as of now). But it would be very helpful if it would offer both the current AND the previous update for each version (so for CF2018, have update 5 and 4, the current most recent two updates for that as I write).  

This way, folks who may find things failing with the the new version could use the fiddle site to test to see if the failure was indeed happening in the previous version (or not).

