Multi-instance creation uses Log4j settings that allow for Hibernate Logs to grow unchecked
| View in TrackerStatus/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Withdrawn/Duplicate
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Bobby H. / ()
Created: 01/19/2019
Components: Administrator
Versions: 2018
Failure Type: Crash
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 2018.0.01.311402 /
Priority/Frequency: Normal / Some users will encounter
Locale/System: English / Win 2016
Vote Count: 0
Problem Description:
When additional cf instances are added. The hibernate logger settings in log4j all point to the same log file location. This causes the rolling file appender to ignore the maxfilesize setting and allows the log to grow unchecked.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Access the cfusion server administrator.
2.Open Enterprise manager and select instance manager top navigation item.
3. Add one or more additional servers. Add newinstance1, and newinstance2 for example
4. Ensure at least one of the applications associated to any of the instances has orm enabled and also ensure the logsql ormsetting is false.
4. Open cfusion/lib/log4j.properties Observe that the log4j.appender.HIBERNATECONSOLE.File setting is pointing to cfusion/logs/hibernatesql.log
5. Open [newinstance1]/lib/log4j.properties Observer that the log4j.appender.HIBERNATECONSOLE.File setting is pointing to cfusion/logs/hibernatesql.log
6. Open [newinstance2]/lib/log4j.properties Observer that the log4j.appender.HIBERNATECONSOLE.File setting is pointing to cfusion/logs/hibernatesql.log
7. Also take note that each of the instances' versions of the log4j.properties is correctly setup to us the rolling file appender with a MaxFileSize of 5000kb.
Actual Result:
The hibernatesql.log file found in cfusion/logs directory grows unbounded ultimately causing system faults. The application level settings for logging hibernate sql queries are ignored.
Expected Result:
The hibernatesql.log files would reside in their respective instance's logs location and would grow to a max file size as indicated in the MaxFileSize setting before a new file be created for additional logs. Further the MaxBackupIndex setting should drive how many hibernatesql.log files are allowed to persist before being removed.
Any Workarounds:
After any new instance is created go into the new instance's lib/log4j.properties file and point the log4j.appender.HIBERNATECONSOLE.File setting to that instance's logs directory.