tracker issue : CF-4202961

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Instraction of PMT is missing in CF2018 installation wizard (Japanese Ver.)

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/Fixed

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Shigeyoshi Muraoka / ()

Created: 06/21/2018

Components: Installation/Config, Installer

Versions: 2018

Failure Type: Others

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 2018.0.0.310608 / 310665

Priority/Frequency: Normal /

Locale/System: Japanese / Win 2016

Vote Count: 0

There is no description of Japanese in PMT dialog

In IE: 
Enter the hostname / DNS of the ColdFusion server. Ensure that
the hostname / DNS is accessible from the machine where
Performance Monitoring Toolset is installed.

You can always change the values later in the ColdFusion Administrator.

