tracker issue : CF-4201872

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[ANeff] Bug for: undocumented TimeFormat() masks

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/Fixed

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Aaron Neff / ()

Created: 04/06/2018

Components: Documentation

Versions: 2016

Failure Type: Conflict With Docs

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 0 / NA

Priority/Frequency: Normal / Few users will encounter

Locale/System: / Platforms All

Vote Count: 0

Issue: some TimeFormat() masks are undocumented


  myDateTime = createDateTime(2016,1,3,12,34,56);
  commonMasks = ["d", "dd", "m", "mm", "mmm", "mmmm", "w", "W", "yy", "yyyy", "YYYY", "short", "medium", "long", "full"];//Documented in DateFormat() and DateTimeFormat() docs
  dateFormatMasks = ["ddd", "dddd", "e", "E", "f", "F", "k", "K", "gg", "z", "Z", "X"];//Only documented in DateFormat() doc
  dateTimeFormatMasks = ["EEE", "EEEE", "Y", "YY", "G", "ww", "WW"];//Only documented in DateTimeFormat() doc
  simpleDateFormatMasks = ["M", "L", "D", "u", "a"];//Only documented in SimpleDateFormat doc
  result = queryNew("pattern,isInDateFormatDoc,isInDateTimeFormatDoc,dateFormatOutput,dateTimeFormatOutput", "varchar,bit,bit,varchar,varchar");
  commonMasks.each(function(element) {
    result.addRow([element, true, true, myDateTime.dateFormat(element), myDateTime.dateTimeFormat(element)]);
  dateFormatMasks.each(function(element) {
    result.addRow([element, true, false, myDateTime.dateFormat(element), myDateTime.dateTimeFormat(element)]);
  dateTimeFormatMasks.each(function(element) {
    result.addRow([element, false, true, myDateTime.dateFormat(element), myDateTime.dateTimeFormat(element)]);
  simpleDateFormatMasks.each(function(element) {
    result.addRow([element, false, false, myDateTime.dateFormat(element), myDateTime.dateTimeFormat(element)]);

Actual result: masks "k and K" are undocumented in the TimeFormat() doc

Expected result: masks "k and K" are documented in the TimeFormat() doc

1) Since k is "Hour in day (1-24)" and K is "Hour in am/pm (0-11)", they should be separate bullets on the TimeFormat() doc. Not grouped together as "k/K".

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