tracker issue : CF-4198171

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Border does not appear in PieChart

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/Fixed

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Robert Schwartz / Robert Schwartz (Robert Schwartz)

Created: 12/06/2016

Components: Charting/Graphing

Versions: 2016

Failure Type: Non Functioning

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: CF2016_Update3 / 303834

Priority/Frequency: Critical / All users will encounter

Locale/System: ALL / Win 2008 Server

Vote Count: 0

Problem Description:When creating a pie chart the border is not displaying when using cfchart format="jpg".  It only works when using cfchart format="html".  However with cfchart format="html" then size of the chart is very small.

Steps to Reproduce:
<cfchart format="html" show3d="no" title="Sales Report"  width="265" height="325">
	<cfchartseries type="pie" datalabelstyle="VALUE" colorlist="red,blue,yellow,green">
		<cfchartdata item="2012" value="0">
		<cfchartdata item="2013" value="9">
		<cfchartdata item="2014" value="6">
		<cfchartdata item="2015" value="0">
<cfchart format="jpg" show3d="no" title="Sales Report"  width="265" height="325">
	<cfchartseries type="pie" datalabelstyle="VALUE" colorlist="red,blue,yellow,green">
		<cfchartdata item="2012" value="0">
		<cfchartdata item="2013" value="9">
		<cfchartdata item="2014" value="6">
		<cfchartdata item="2015" value="0">

Actual Result:

Expected Result:

Any Workarounds:

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	4198171

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: Robert Schwartz
External Customer Email:  
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:

