Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Andrew Scott / Andrew Scott (Andrew Scott)
Created: 03/08/2012
Components: Documentation
Versions: 10.0
Failure Type:
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: Public Beta /
Priority/Frequency: Minor / Few users will encounter
Locale/System: English / Windows 7
Vote Count: 0
Problem Description:
The following seems wrong, when you require an argument cfcname, you hardcode the invoke with test. I think this should be changed to use the cfcname passed in the argument.
<cfset = "oncfcrequest">
<cffunction name="onCFCRequest">
<cfargument type="string" name="cfcname" required=true>
<cfargument type="string" name="method" required=true>
<cfargument type="struct" name="args" required=true>
<cflog text="oncfcRequest()">
<cfdump var="#arguments#" output="console" format="text">
component = "oncfcrequest.test"
method = "foo"
returnVariable = "result"
argumentCollection = "#arguments.args#">
<cfdump var="#result#" output="console" format="text">
<cffunction name="onRequest" output="yes" access="remote">
<cfargument type="string" name="targetpage">
<cflog text="onRequest()">
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
Expected Result:
Any Workarounds:
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3133332
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: ascott67
External Customer Email:
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details: