Bug 84144:(Watson Migration Closure)Change the error description for disabled scopes
| View in TrackerStatus/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Won't Fix/LowImpact
Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Sebastian Zartner / Sebastian Zartner (Sebastian Zartner)
Created: 09/13/2010
Components: Debugging, General
Versions: 9.0.1
Failure Type: Unspecified
Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 9,0,1,274733 /
Priority/Frequency: Normal / Unknown
Locale/System: English / Platforms All
Vote Count: 0
Change the error description for disabled scopes.The description should include, that the session management can also be set inside the Application.cfc. This problem is probably not just limited to this one case, but should be changed for all errors mentioning a setting via <cfapplication>.
<!--- In Application.cfc ---><cfset THIS.sessionManagement = false><!--- In a script of that application ---><cfdump var="#SESSION#">
The requested scope session has not been enabled.Before session variables can be used, the session state management system must be enabled using the cfapplication tag.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3042150
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Sebastian Zartner
External Customer Email: 4E7365D64550DB12992015D5
External Test Config: 09/13/2010