tracker issue : CF-3041137

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Bug 82410:Charting will display false information in graphs presented to the end user

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Lucas Heuman / Lucas Heuman (ColdFusionUsers2)

Created: 03/11/2010

Components: Charting/Graphing

Versions: 9.0

Failure Type: Unspecified

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 0000 / 273981

Priority/Frequency: Normal / Unknown

Locale/System: English / Linux Ubuntu 9

Vote Count: 2


Charting will display false information in graphs presented to the end user. After testing all charts are invalid.  This is in all version of Coldfusion, Problem is phantom data will be generated and displayed. Run the example code below 3 additional phantom bars will be displayed in blue at the end of the chart.  When working with large database queries the problem appears in every chart displayed with no warning to the end user. Possible need a patch or additional parameter that is not documented to display correct information. 

Select two chart series that do not share 100% of the same datapoints.  Coldfusion will create phantom data for missing datapoints. 99% of our database queries reproduce this problem.This renders most of our charts invalid to our clients.Run the following code on any version of coldfusion to replicate.
 <cfchart format="flash" xaxistitle="Date" yaxistitle="Total Hours" chartwidth="600" chartheight="400">        <cfchartseries type="bar" itemcolumn="ENDINGDATE"            valuecolumn="TOTALHOURS" seriescolor="##009900" serieslabel="Contractor Hours" >      <cfchartdata item="09/29/2007 " value="21">  <cfchartdata item="10/13/2007" value="20">  <cfchartdata item="10/27/2007 " value="20">  <cfchartdata item="11/24/2007 " value="7">  <cfchartdata item="01/19/2008 " value="1">            </cfchartseries>        <cfchartseries type="bar" itemcolumn="ENDINGDATEFAA"            valuecolumn="TOTALHOURSFAA" seriescolor="##0000CC"  serieslabel="Employee Hours" >              <cfchartdata item="09/29/2007 " value="5">               <cfchartdata item="10/13/2007 " value="6">                        </cfchartseries>            </cfchart>

No error message : Phantom Bars will display on chart that do not link to any data.

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3041137

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: Lucas Heuman
External Customer Email: 12B864654460C2D8992015D5
External Test Config: 03/11/2010

