tracker issue : CF-3040586

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Bug 81154:Creating spreadsheets using spreadsheetAddRows() is too slow to be used for anything other than the lightest production use

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): marc esher / marc esher (marcesher)

Created: 12/11/2009

Components: Document Management, Office Integration

Versions: 9.0

Failure Type: Unspecified

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 0000 / 264214

Priority/Frequency: Major / Unknown

Locale/System: English / Win All

Vote Count: 21


Creating spreadsheets using spreadsheetAddRows() is too slow to be used for anything other than the lightest production use.  Creting a 100-row spreadsheet takes consistently a second or more for me. Creating a 500-row spreadsheet takes consistently 20+ seconds. 1000 rows takes @100 seconds. Attempting several thousand rows will hang my CF ServerCompare this performance with Ben Nadel's "POIUtility.cfc" ( I have it creating 60000-row spreadsheets in under 30 seconds.I'm attaching code that shows the difference in time using CF's built-in spreadsheet generation compared with POIUtility.cfc.

<cfparam name="url.rowcount" default="100"><cfscript>cfssPath = expandPath("cfss.xls");poiPath = expandPath("poi.xls");columnList = "one,two,three,four";if(fileExists(cfssPath))  fileDelete(cfssPath);q =  QueryNew(columnlist,"VarChar,VarChar,VarChar,VarChar");for(i=1; i <= url.rowcount; i++){queryAddRow(q);for(col=1; col <= 4; col++){  colName = listGetAt(columnList,col);querySetCell(q,colName,"#colName#_#col#"); }}writeOutput("Recordcount: #q.RecordCount# <br>");/*cfssStart = getTickCount();ss = SpreadsheetNew("fakedata");spreadsheetAddRows(ss,q);spreadsheetWrite(ss,cfssPath);writeOutput("Total CF spreadsheet time: #getTickCount()-cfssStart# <br>");*/poiStart = getTickCount();poi = createObject("component","POIUtility");poi.writeSingleExcel(FilePath=poiPath,Query=q,ColumnList="one,two,three,four",ColumnNames="One,Two,Three,Four");writeOutput("Total POIUtility time: #getTickCount()-poiStart# <br>");</cfscript>

SpreadsheetAddRows too slow to be used for production applications

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3040586

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: marc esher
External Customer Email: 70390EBF47F01CAF992015B9
External Test Config: 12/11/2009

