tracker issue : CF-3038912

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Bug 77935:CF can't create "System

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Fixed/

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Shigeru Nakagaki / Shigeru Nakagaki (Nakagaki Shigeru)

Created: 06/15/2009

Components: DotNet Support

Versions: 9.0

Failure Type: Unspecified

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 0000 / 246875

Priority/Frequency: Major / Unknown

Locale/System: English / Win All

Vote Count: 0


CF can't create "System.Collections.Generic.List" class.

This class is added at .Net Framework 2.0 and is included in "mscorlib.dll".

I tested this over and over. Then I noticed that real name of this class in dll is "System.Collections.Generic.List`1". I tried this name too. But CF can’t find this kind of name.

I guess this is a bug, right?

# OS is Vista. .Net runtime version is v2.0.50727. v3.0 and v3.5 are installed also.


Shigeru Nakagaki

<cfset runtime = CreateObject(".net","System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment")>
<cfset assembly = CreateObject(".net","System.Reflection.Assembly","#runtime.GetRuntimeDirectory()#mscorlib.dll").LoadFrom("#runtime.GetRuntimeDirectory()#mscorlib.dll")>
<!--- <cfdump var="#assembly#"> --->

<cfloop index="item" array="#assembly.GetExportedTypes()#">

<cfset itemName = item.Get_FullName()>
<cfif itemName contains "System.Collections.Generic.">

<br /><br />

<!--- This line throws an exception because ColdFusion can’t find the "List" class. --->
<!--- <cfset list = CreateObject(".net","System.Collections.Generic.List","#runtime.GetRuntimeDirectory()#mscorlib.dll")> --->


can't find the class "System.Collections.Generic.List" in the assembly.

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3038912

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: Shigeru Nakagaki
External Customer Email: 929E53204564EBE0992016B8
External Test Config: 06/15/2009

