tracker issue : CF-3037973

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Bug 76107:(Watson Migration Closure)My enhancement suggestion is to create a <CFHSQLDB tag because the level of control and reliability is finally maximized

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Deferred/

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): dan plesse / daniel plesse (ColdfusionPluginsCom)

Created: 03/21/2009

Components: General Server

Versions: 9.0

Failure Type: Unspecified

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 0000 /

Priority/Frequency: Normal / Unknown

Locale/System: English / Platforms All

Vote Count: 0


My enhancement suggestion is to create a <CFHSQLDB tag because the level of control and reliability is finally maximized. With an open source HSQLDB java database server run on my CF 9 I can finally get close to 5 9's of reliability while keeping the database in text form for backup. On a shared host this is the best solution.   

Right now I am having network problems with MySQL 5 and CF 8. My solution was to start an HSQLDB server on 5220 port.

<cfset application.webserver = createObject("java", "org.hsqldb.WebServer")> 

<cfset application.webserver.setAddress("localhost")> 
<cfset application.webserver.setTrace(true)>
<cfset application.webserver.setSilent(true)>
<cfset application.webserver.setPort(5220)>
<cfset application.webserver.setDatabaseName(0,"Optical_Alert_JWS")>
<cfset application.webserver.setWebRoot("C:\\hsqldb_dbserver\\")>
<cfset application.webserver.setDefaultWebPage("default.html")>

Could be: 
<CFHSQLDB Address="localhost" trace="true" Silent="true" Port="5220"
DatabaseName ="Optical_Alert_JWS" WebRoot="C:\\hsqldb_dbserver\\" 
DefaultWebPage ="default.html">


<cfset application.webserver = createObject("java", "org.hsqldb.WebServer")> 

<cfset application.webserver.setAddress("localhost")> 
<cfset application.webserver.setTrace(true)>
<cfset application.webserver.setSilent(true)>
<cfset application.webserver.setPort(5220)>
<cfset application.webserver.setDatabaseName(0,"Optical_Alert_JWS")>
<cfset application.webserver.setWebRoot("C:\\hsqldb_dbserver\\")>
<cfset application.webserver.setDefaultWebPage("default.html")>

Could be: 
<CFHSQLDB Address="localhost" trace="true" Silent="true" Port="5220"
DatabaseName ="Optical_Alert_JWS" WebRoot="C:\\hsqldb_dbserver\\" 
DefaultWebPage ="default.html">


C:\CFusionMX7\runtime\logs contains your progress

[WebServer@1219665]: Initiating startup sequence...
[WebServer@1219665]: Server socket opened successfully in 0 ms.
[WebServer@1219665]: Database [index=0, id=0, db=file:C:\\test\\test6, alias=test6] opened sucessfully in 532 ms.
[WebServer@1219665]: Startup sequence completed in 562 ms.
[WebServer@1219665]: 2006-03-25 15:48:35.390 HSQLDB web server 1.8.0 is online
[WebServer@1219665]: To close normally, connect and execute SHUTDOWN SQL
[WebServer@1219665]: From command line, use [Ctrl]+[C] to abort abruptly

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3037973

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: daniel plesse
External Customer Email: 4FC230B2497E000C992015A7
External Test Config: 03/21/2009

