tracker issue : CF-3036924

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Bug 73926:(Watson Migration Closure)Resolve failure situation presently in CF8 whereby an Instant Messaging Event Gateway requires manual restart if it fails at some point

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Status/Resolution/Reason: Closed/Deferred/

Reporter/Name(from Bugbase): Sam Juvonen / Sam Juvonen (Sam Juvonen)

Created: 12/02/2008

Components: Event Gateway

Versions: 9.0

Failure Type: Unspecified

Found In Build/Fixed In Build: 0000 /

Priority/Frequency: Normal / Unknown

Locale/System: English / Win All

Vote Count: 0


Resolve failure situation presently in CF8 whereby an Instant Messaging Event Gateway requires manual restart if it fails at some point.  Would be good to have a feature to auto-restart x times before staying failed.  Workaround is to notice lack of presence and then use the Admin client to restart.


<cffunction name="onIncomingMessage">
	<cfargument name="CFEvent" type="struct" required="yes">

	<!--- Get the message --->
	<cfset var>
	<cfset var originatorID=CFEvent.originatorID>

	<!--- Result structure --->
	<cfset var retValue=structNew()>
	<cfset retValue.BuddyID= originatorID >

 	<cfif LCase(Left(Trim(#message#),4)) is "who:">
		<cfset retValue.Message=who(#message#)>

	<cfelseif message is "locations">
		<cfset retValue.Message=locations()>

	<cfelseif message is "divisions">
		<cfset retValue.Message=divisions()>

	<cfelseif message is "plymcafetoday">
		<cfset retValue.Message=todaysPlymouthCafeteriaFeature()>

	<cfelseif message is "menu">
		<cfset retValue.Message=menu()>

	<cfelseif message is "help">
		<cfset retValue.Message=menu()>

	<cfelseif message is "?">
		<cfset retValue.Message=menu()>

	<cfelseif message is "whoami">
		<cfset retValue.Message="#CFEvent.originatorID#">

	<cfelseif message is "senderid">
		<cfset retValue.Message=getSenderId(#CFEvent#)>

	<cfelseif message is "now">
		<cfset retValue.Message=getTimeStamp(#CFEvent#)>

		<cfset retValue.Message="You said: #message#">

	<!--- send the return message back --->
	<cfreturn retValue>

<cffunction name="onAddBuddyRequest">
<cfargument name="CFEvent" type="struct" required="YES">

<cffunction name="onAddBuddyResponse">
<cfargument name="CFEvent" type="struct" required="YES">

<cffunction name="onBuddyStatus">
<cfargument name="CFEvent" type="struct" required="YES">

<cffunction name="onIMServerMessage">
<cfargument name="CFEvent" type="struct" required="YES">

<cffunction name="onAdminMessage">
<cfargument name="CFEvent" type="struct" required="YES">

<cffunction name="menu">
	<cfreturn "Options:#chr(10)#who:<userid>#chr(10)#locations#chr(10)#divisions#chr(10)#plymcafetoday">

<cffunction name="who">
	<cfargument name="message">
		<cfset userID=Trim(Right(Trim(#message#), Len(Trim(#message#))-4))/>

		server = ""
		action = "query"
		name = "results"
		start = "DC=fngp,DC=com"
				filter = "(&(objectclass=user)(|(samAccountname=#userID#*)(cn=#userID#*)(sn=#userID#*)))"
		attributes = "name,samAccountname, ipphone, mail, mobile, title, postalAddress, telephoneNumber,facsimileTelephoneNumber, postalCode, l, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, co">
			<cfif is "">
            	<cfreturn "Sorry, no records were found matching: #userID#">
				<cfreturn "Your search for #userID# found:                    
		    Office:      #results.physicalDeliveryOfficeName#
                    Address:     #results.postalAddress#
		    Postal code: #results.l# #results.postalCode#
                    Email:       #results.mail#
                    Tel:         #results.telephoneNumber#
		    Extension:   #results.ipphone#
                    Fax:         #results.facsimileTelephoneNumber#"
			<cfreturn "Oops ... something did not go right">

<cffunction name="todaysPlymouthCafeteriaFeature" access="remote" returnType="String">
        <cfset myMenuRead = ""/>
		<cfset todayName = "#DayofWeekAsString(DayOfWeek(Now()))#">
		<cfset todayField = "this#todayName#"/>
   		<cfquery datasource="Cafeteria" name="todaysMenuRead">
 				select itemName, itemDesc from MenuItems mi, ThisWeek tw where weekNo = #(Week(Now()))# and mi.itemNo = tw.#todayField#
		<cfset todaysFeature = "#todaysMenuRead.itemName#: #todaysMenuRead.itemDesc#"/>
   	<cfreturn "On #todayName#, #DateFormat(Now(),'medium')#, the Plymouth Cafeteria is featuring#chr(10)##todaysFeature#">

<cffunction name="locations">
			<cfquery name="getLocs" datasource="ipmdProd">
				SELECT name from dbo.location ORDER BY name
			<cfset arLocs=ArrayNew(1)/>
			<cfoutput query="getLocs">
				<cfset ArrayAppend(arLocs,>
			<cfset locList=ArrayToList(arLocs, "#chr(10)#")>
			<cfreturn "Here is the list of FNGP locations:#chr(10)##locList#"/>
				<cfreturn "Oops ... something did not go right"/>

<cffunction name="divisions">
			<cfquery name="getDivs" datasource="locations">
				SELECT name from dbo.Division ORDER BY name
			<cfset arDivs=ArrayNew(1)/>
			<cfoutput query="getDivs">
				<cfset ArrayAppend(arDivs,>
			<cfset divList=ArrayToList(arDivs, "#chr(10)#")>
			<cfreturn "Here is the list of FNGP divisions:#chr(10)##divList#"/>
				<cfreturn "Oops ... something did not go right"/>

<cffunction name="recordTime">
	<cfargument name="CFEvent">
	<cfset message =>
		<cfset RegExp = REFindNoCase("(\\\\)(.*)(\\)(.*)", message, 1, True)>
		<cfif RegExp.len[1] gt 0>
		  <cfset project = mid(message, RegExp.pos[3], RegExp.len[3])>
		  <cfset activity = mid(message, RegExp.pos[5], RegExp.len[5])>

		  <cfset userId = getSenderId(CFEvent)>

		  <cfquery name="getProjId" datasource="timesheets">
			select id from dbo.project p where = '#project#'
		  <cfoutput query="getProjId">
			<cfset projId = "">

		  <cfquery name="addProjActivity" datasource="timesheets" debug="yes">
			INSERT INTO dbo.activity

		  <cfreturn "added activity record">
		  <cfreturn "Could not recognize your input.  Please specify \\project\activity">

<cffunction name="getTimeStamp">
	<cfargument name="CFEvent">	
	<cfreturn ToString(CreateODBCDateTime(Now()))>

<cffunction name="getSenderId">
	<cfargument name="CFEvent">
	<cfquery name="getUserId" datasource="timesheets" debug="yes">
		select id from dbo.person p where p.dn = '#CFEvent.originatorID#'
	<cfoutput query="getUserId">
		<cfset userId = ToString(>
	<cfreturn userId>

<cffunction name="addSenderIdToProjects">
	<cfargument name="CFEvent">
	<cfset message =>
	<cfset RegExp = REFindNoCase("(.*)(\\)(.*)(\\)(.*)", message, 1, True)>
	<cfif RegExp.len[1] gt 0>
		<cfset userName = mid(message, RegExp.pos[4], RegExp.len[4])>
		<cfset userLogin = mid(message, RegExp.pos[6], RegExp.len[6])>
	<cfquery name="addUserId" datasource="timesheets" debug="yes">
		insert into dbo.person values('#userName#','#userLogin#','#CFEvent.originatorID#')
	<cfreturn "">

<cffunction name="ListProjects">
	<cfquery name="getProjects" datasource="timesheets">
		select name, description from dbo.project
	<cfset projects=ArrayNew(1)/>
	<cfoutput query="getProjects">
		<cfset ArrayAppend(projects," - #getProjects.description#")/>
	<cfset projList=ArrayToList(projects, "#chr(10)#")>
	<cfreturn "Here is the list of project names:#chr(10)##projList#"/>


11/30 11:17:30 Information [Chuck the postman's dispatching thread.6] - SAMETIMEGateway (Sametime Project Bot) Connection lost due to: ProjectBot was disconnected from the SAMETIME IM SERVER
11/30 11:17:30 Information [Chuck the postman's dispatching thread.5] - SAMETIMEGateway (Sametime Bot 1) Connection lost due to: stbot was disconnected from the SAMETIME IM SERVER
11/30 11:17:30 Information [Chuck the postman's dispatching thread.6] - SAMETIMEGateway (Sametime Project Bot) Initializing IM gateway with configuration file \\plymsqldev\e$\JRun4\servers\cfusion\cfusion-ear\cfusion-war\WEB-INF\cfusion\gateway\config\sametime_proj-bot.cfg
11/30 11:17:30 Information [Chuck the postman's dispatching thread.5] - SAMETIMEGateway (Sametime Bot 1) Initializing IM gateway with configuration file \\plymsqldev\e$\JRun4\servers\cfusion\cfusion-ear\cfusion-war\WEB-INF\cfusion\gateway\config\sametime.cfg
11/30 11:17:30 Information [Chuck the postman's dispatching thread.5] - SAMETIMEGateway (Sametime Bot 1) Connecting to IM Server with username: 'stbot'
11/30 11:17:30 Information [Chuck the postman's dispatching thread.6] - SAMETIMEGateway (Sametime Project Bot) Connecting to IM Server with username: 'ProjectBot'
11/30 11:17:32 Information [Chuck the postman's dispatching thread.7] - SAMETIMEGateway (Sametime Project Bot) Connection lost due to: ProjectBot was disconnected from the SAMETIME IM SERVER
11/30 11:17:32 Error [jrpp-47] - Invalid request of Application.cfm, Application.cfc, or OnRequestEnd.cfm file.You have requested a page with the name Application.cfm. This file name is reserved by the ColdFusion engine for the specification of application level settings; as a result, it cannot be directly requested from a web client. <p> If you are creating a template that is intended for direct access by end users, use a name other than Application.cfm or OnRequestEnd.cfm. The specific sequence of files included or processed is: E:\inetpub\wwwroot\Application.cfm'
11/30 11:17:33 Information [Chuck the postman's dispatching thread.8] - SAMETIMEGateway (Sametime Bot 1) Connection lost due to: stbot was disconnected from the SAMETIME IM SERVER
11/30 11:18:00 Error [Chuck the postman's dispatching thread.5] - SAMETIMEGateway (Sametime Bot 1) Error while reconnecting due to: Unable to connect to SAMETIME server for user stbot.
11/30 11:18:00 Error [Chuck the postman's dispatching thread.6] - SAMETIMEGateway (Sametime Project Bot) Error while reconnecting due to: Unable to connect to SAMETIME server for user ProjectBot.

----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------

Watson Bug ID:	3036924

External Customer Info:
External Company:  
External Customer Name: Sam Juvonen
External Customer Email: 33C46D88446125DB992016B7
External Test Config: 12/02/2008

